Balkan endemic nephropathy (BEN) is a form of interstitial nephritis causing kidney failure. It was first identified in the 1920s among several small, discrete communities along the Danube River and its major tributaries, in the modern countries of Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Romania, and Bulgaria. It is caused by small long-term doses of aristolochic acid in the diet. The disease primarily affects people 30 to 60 years of age. Doses of the toxin are usually low and people moving to ...
Wikipedia дээрээс уншина ууШинж тэмдэг эсвэл өвчний талаар бичиж, тус болох ургамлын талаар уншиж, өвслөг ургамлыг бичиж, өвчний эсрэг шинж тэмдгийг үзээрэй.
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