Haitian Creole

agrostis stolonifera/мөөгөнцөр

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The Hsp90 Inhibitor, Monorden, Is a Promising Lead Compound for the Development of Novel Fungicides.

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Endophytic fungi are great resources for the identification of useful natural products such as antimicrobial agents. In this study, we performed the antifungal screening of various plant endophytic fungi against the dollar spot pathogen Sclerotinia homoeocarpa and finally selected

Efficacy of different fungicides against Rhizoctonia brown patch and Pythium blight on turfgrass in Italy.

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Brown patch, incited by Rhizoctonia solani Kuhn, and Pythium blight, caused by Pythium spp. are two of the diseases most frequently observed on turfgrass in high maintenance stands, as on golf courses. In such conditions the control strategies, based on chemicals, are particularly difficult due to

Residual Efficacy of Fungicides for Controlling Brown Patch on Creeping Bentgrass Fairways.

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Residual efficacy of five fungicides (azoxystrobin, flutolanil, metconazole, polyoxin D, and pyraclostrobin) applied to creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera) maintained under golf course fairway conditions was determined using a bioassay method. During 2010 and 2011, six different field

Fungicide leaching from golf greens: effects of root zone composition and surfactant use.

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Soil water repellency in golf putting greens may induce preferential "finger flow," leading to enhanced leaching of surface applied fungicides. We examined the effects of root zone composition, treatment with a non-ionic surfactant, and the use of the fungicide iprodion or a combination of

Reassessment of Fungicide Synergism for Control of Dollar Spot.

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Experiments were designed to assess reports of synergism between propiconazole and other fungicides to control dollar spot in creeping bentgrass. In 2004 and 2006, two field experiments were conducted near Griffin, GA, and repeated near West Lafayette, IN. A third experiment was conducted at the

Spatial and temporal distribution of fungicides applied to creeping bentgrass.

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Turf managers often rely on fungicides to limit damage caused by root diseases. Because fungicides are applied to aboveground surfaces and do not move basipetally, they are effective against root pathogens only when fungitoxic concentrations migrate to the rhizosphere. This research focused on the

Simulated Rainfall and Mowing Impact Fungicide Performance When Targeting Dollar Spot in Creeping Bentgrass.

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In this 2-year field study, four chemically diverse fungicides (i.e., chlorothalonil, boscalid, iprodione, and propiconazole) were evaluated for their ability to control dollar spot (Sclerotinia homoeocarpa) in creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera) as affected by simulated rain and mowing

Preventive Control of Pythium Root Dysfunction in Creeping Bentgrass Putting Greens and Sensitivity of Pythium volutum to Fungicides.

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Pythium root dysfunction (PRD), caused by Pythium volutum, has been observed on golf course putting greens established with creeping bentgrass in the southeastern United States since 2002. To evaluate preventative strategies for management of this disease, a 3-year field experiment was conducted in

Influence of Irrigation and Wetting Agent on Fungicide Residues in Creeping Bentgrass.

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Fungicides (azoxystrobin, propiconazole, pyraclostrobin, and thiophanate-methyl) were applied to field plots of creeping bentgrass established on a sand-based root zone substrate and maintained at a cutting height of 0.34 cm. The wetting agent, a modified alkylated polyol, was applied 24 h prior to

Control of Dollar Spot of Creeping Bentgrass Caused by an Isolate of Sclerotinia homoeocarpa Resistant to Benzimidazole and Demethylation-Inhibitor Fungicides.

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The effects of fungicides were studied on two isolates of Sclerotinia homoeocarpa that differed in fungicide sensitivity. Concentrations of benzimidazole (benomyl and thiophanate-methyl), demethylation inhibitor (fenarimol, propiconazole, and triadimefon), and nitrile (chlorothalonil) fungicides

Effects of Dew Removal and Mowing Frequency on Fungicide Performance for Dollar Spot Control.

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Dollar spot (Sclerotinia homoeocarpa) is a severe disease problem on creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera) fairways. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of dew removal and mowing frequency on fungicide performance for dollar spot control. In 2009 and 2010, an experiment

Mowing Frequency and Plant Growth Regulator Effects on Dollar Spot Severity and on Duration of Dollar Spot Control by Fungicides.

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Management of dollar spot (incited by Sclerotinia homoeocarpa) on golf course fairways is increasingly challenging. The objectives of this study were to determine the influence of mowing frequency and plant growth regulators (PGRs) on dollar spot severity and on the residual efficacy of fungicides

Evaluation of Preventive Fungicide Applications for Fairy Ring Control in Golf Putting Greens and In Vitro Sensitivity of Fairy Ring Species to Fungicides.

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Fairy ring species induce symptoms on putting greens mostly indirectly, by modifying the soil physical or chemical properties. Therefore, preventive rather than curative fungicide applications may be more effective in managing fairy ring. Two field experiments were conducted on a creeping bentgrass

Genes Required for the Anti-fungal Activity of a Bacterial Endophyte Isolated from a Corn Landrace Grown Continuously by Subsistence Farmers Since 1000 BC.

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Endophytes are microbes that inhabit internal plant tissues without causing disease. Some endophytes are known to combat pathogens. The corn (maize) landrace Chapalote has been grown continuously by subsistence farmers in the Americas since 1000 BC, without the use of fungicides, and the crop

Relevance of in vitro agar based screens to characterize the anti-fungal activities of bacterial endophyte communities.

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BACKGROUND Endophytes are microbes that inhabit internal plant tissues without causing disease. Plant microbial communities consist of large numbers of endophyte species. Understanding the functions of these endophytes is a major challenge. An important function of some endophytes is to suppress
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