Haitian Creole

amaranthus crassipes/кали

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Potassium, not lepidimoide, is the principal 'allelochemical' of cress-seed exudate that promotes amaranth hypocotyl elongation.

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Imbibed cress ( Lepidium sativum L.) seeds exude 'allelochemicals' that promote excessive hypocotyl elongation and inhibit root growth in neighbouring competitors, e.g. amaranth ( Amaranthus caudatus L.) seedlings. The major hypocotyl promoter has recently been shown not to be the previously

Effect of agro-industrial waste amendment on Cd uptake in Amaranthus caudatus grown under contaminated soil: an oxidative biomarker response.

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In the present study phytoavailability of Cd, growth yield, cellular Cd accumulation and oxidative stress responses were studied in leafy vegetable Amaranthus caudatus under soil amendments. The test plant was cultivated in Cd contaminated soil (6 µgCdg(-1) soil) amended with different doses: 0.5,

Changes in size and composition of pigweed (Amaranthus hybridus L.) calcium oxalate crystals under CO2 starvation conditions.

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The functional role(s) of plant calcium oxalate (CaOx) crystals are still poorly understood. Recently, it was shown that crystals function as dynamic carbon pools whose decomposition could provide CO2 to photosynthesis when stomata are closed (e.g. under drought conditions) and CO2 starvation

Ionic Regulation for Cytokinin-dependent Betacyanin Synthesis in Amaranthus Seedlings.

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Potassium ions at low concentrations stimulate cytokinin-dependent betacyanin synthesis in Amaranthus tricolor seedlings more than other alkali metal ions when tested as the chloride salts. The sequence of relative stimulation is K(+) > Rb(+) > (Na(+) = Li(+)). Calcium and Mg(2+) ions are inhibitory

Ammonium ions stimulate in vitro the activity of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase from leaves of Amaranthus hypochondriacus, a C4 plant: evidence for allosteric activation.

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Ammonium ions stimulated in vitro the activity of PEP carboxylase (PEPC) extracted from dark-adapted leaves of Amaranthus hypochondriacus. Maximum stimulation of 80 to 85% occurred at 50 microM ammonium chloride. There was a marginal inhibition of PEPC at 5 mM ammonium chloride. Among several ions

Pseudomonas fluorescens R68 assisted enhancement in growth and fertilizer utilization of Amaranthus tricolor (L.).

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Plant probiotic potential of rhizosphere microbiome and its role in phytofertilizer mobilization are largely unexplored. In the current study, the rhizobacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens R68 (PFR68) isolated from Western Ghat was analyzed for its growth enhancement effect on the leafy vegetable

Mineral profile and variability in vegetable amaranth (Amaranthus tricolor).

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Populations in North India depend on a number of vegetable crops of which Amaranthus spp. is the most important since it is the only crop available in the hot summer months when no other foliage crop grows in the field. However, reports on mineral composition of leaves are rare with absolutely no

Contrasting effects of silicates on cadmium uptake by three dicotyledonous crops grown in contaminated soil.

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The effects of several silicates (talcum powder (TP), calcium silicate (CS), sodium silicate (SS), and potassium silicate (PS)), in comparison with other amendments (quicklime (QL) and potassium dihydrogen phosphate (PDP)) on cadmium (Cd) uptake by three dicotyledonous crops (Amaranthus

Promotion of seed germination by cyanide.

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Potassium cyanide at 3 mum to 10 mm promotes germination of Amaranthus albus, Lactuca sativa, and Lepidium virginicum seeds. l-Cysteine hydrogen sulfide lyase, which catalyzes the reaction of HCN with l-cysteine to form beta-l cyanoalanine, is active in the seeds. beta-l-Cyanoalanine is the most

Differential sensitivity of spinach and amaranthus to enhanced UV-B at varying soil nutrient levels: association with gas exchange, UV-B-absorbing compounds and membrane damage.

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The metabolic reasons associated with differential sensitivity of C3 and C4 plant species to enhanced UV-B under varying soil nutrient levels are not well understood. In the present study, spinach (Spinacia oleracea L. var All Green), a C3 and amaranthus (Amaranthus tricolor L. var Pusa Badi

Characterisation of nutrient profile of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa), amaranth (Amaranthus caudatus), and purple corn (Zea mays L.) consumed in the North of Argentina: proximates, minerals and trace elements.

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Quinoa, amaranth and purple corn are Andean cereals largely consumed in North of Argentina. Nutrient analysis with the purpose of inclusion in the Argentinean FCDB and e-search EuroFIR has become urgent matter. In this work proximate and mineral profile of Andean cereals cultivated in the North of

Analysis of chlorophyll a fluoresence changes in weak light in heat treated Amaranthus chloroplasts.

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After preheating of Amaranthus chloroplasts at elevated temperatures (up to 45°C), the chlorophyll a fluorescence level under low excitation light rises as compared to control (unheated) as observed earlier in other chloroplasts (Schreiber U and Armond PA (1978) Biochim Biophys Acta 502: 138-151).

Protein, dietary fiber, minerals, antioxidant pigments and phytochemicals, and antioxidant activity in selected red morph Amaranthus leafy vegetable.

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Amaranth has two morphological types (morphs), one is red and another is green morph. Red morph amaranth is a marvelous source of nutrients, antioxidant pigments, minerals, and phytochemicals compared to green morph amaranth. For this purpose, we selected 25 red morph genotypes to evaluate in terms

Nutritional and antioxidant components and antioxidant capacity in green morph Amaranthus leafy vegetable.

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Amaranth has two morphological types described as red and green morphs. Previous studies have extensively characterised red morph amaranth regarding both morphological and chemical properties including antioxidant activity, antioxidant phytochemical profile, mineral content and proximate

Nutrients, minerals, pigments, phytochemicals, and radical scavenging activity in Amaranthus blitum leafy vegetables.

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A. blitum is good sources of abundant natural antioxidant phytopigments such as anthocyanin, betalain, betaxanthin, and betacyanin and antioxidant phytochemicals of interest in the food industry. The chances of utilizing amaranth pigments and phytochemicals had been evaluated for extracting colorful
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