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anemia/хөгшрөлтийн эсрэг

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Хуудас 1 -аас 18 үр дүн

[Role of hemoglobin in adaptation to hypoxia in patients with iron-deficiency anemia].

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To define Hb role in compensation of hemic hypoxia, the authors studied HbO2 dissociation curves (HDC), blood acid-base equilibrium, concentrations of 2,3-DPG and creatinine in red cells from females with moderate iron-deficiency anemia resultant from frequent haemorrhages. This form of anemia was

Icariin improves Fanconi anemia hematopoietic stem cell function through SIRT6-mediated NF-kappa B inhibition.

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Icariin (ICA) is a flavonoid glucoside derived from the Epimedium plant genus, which has potent regenerative properties and is used in western medicine to treat impotence. Recently, ICA has generated great interest in improving hepatic stellate cell function and cardiac rejuvenation. However, how

mTOR regulation and therapeutic rejuvenation of aging hematopoietic stem cells.

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Age-related declines in hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) function may contribute to anemia, poor response to vaccination, and tumorigenesis. Here, we show that mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) activity is increased in HSCs from old mice compared to those from young mice. mTOR activation through

Testing efficacy of administration of the antiaging drug rapamycin in a nonhuman primate, the common marmoset.

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This report is the first description of dosing procedures, pharmacokinetics, biochemical action, and general tolerability of the antiaging drug rapamycin in the common marmoset, a small and short-lived monkey. Eudragit-encapsulated rapamycin was given orally to trained marmosets in a short-term (3

Regulation of S-formylglutathione hydrolase by the anti-aging gene klotho.

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Klotho is an aging-suppressor gene. The purpose of this study is to investigate the binding sites (receptors) and function of short-form Klotho (Skl). We showed that Skl physically bound to multiple proteins. We found physical and functional interactions between Skl and S-formylglutathione hydrolase

Red blood cell density distribution in uremic patients on acetate and bicarbonate hemodialysis.

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Нэвтрэх / Бүртгүүлэх
Renal anemia is the result of reduced erythropoietin (EPO) biosynthesis in the diseased kidney and also in part the result of a reduced life span of red blood cells (RBCs). An increase in density and a decrease in enzyme equipment (aspartate aminotransferase; GOT) of RBCs reflect cell age. In the

Telomere length maintenance, shortening, and lengthening.

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Telomeres maintain chromosome stability and cell replicative capacity. Telomere shortening occurs concomitant with aging. Short telomeres are associated with some diseases, such as dyskeratosis congenita, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, and aplastic anemia. Telomeres are longer in pluripotent stem

Should modulation of p50 be a therapeutic target in the critically ill?

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A defining feature of human hemoglobin is its oxygen binding affinity, quantified by the partial pressure of oxygen at which hemoglobin is 50% saturated (p50), and the variability of this parameter over a range of physiological and environmental states. Modulation of this property of hemoglobin can

Intravascular hemolysis and mean red blood cell age in athletes.

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OBJECTIVE Since the observation that mechanical stress causes red blood cell (RBC) destruction, foot-strike hemolysis has been used to explain sports anemia and RBC rejuvenation in athletes. Recently gained knowledge questions the importance of mechanical RBC trauma on RBC hemolysis in

Probiotic Lactobacillus paracasei A221 improves the functionality and bioavailability of kaempferol-glucoside in kale by its glucosidase activity.

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The interplay between food components and gut microbiota has been considered an important factor affecting the functionality of health-promoting foods. In this study, the effects of the probiotic Lactobacillus paracasei A221 on the functionality and bioavailability of kaempferol-3-o-sophroside

Klotho deficiency disrupts hematopoietic stem cell development and erythropoiesis.

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Klotho deficiency is a characteristic feature of chronic kidney disease in which anemia and cardiovascular complications are prevalent. Disruption of the Klotho gene in mice results in hypervitaminosis D and a syndrome resembling accelerated aging that includes osteopenia and vascular

An ethnomedicinal survey and documentation of important medicinal folklore food phytonims of flora of Samahni valley, (Azad Kashmir) Pakistan.

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Ethnobotanical knowledge is one of the precious cultural heritage parts of an area that involves the interaction between plants and people and foremost among these are the management of plant diversity by indigenous communities and the traditional use of medicinal plants. An ethnobotanical analysis

Amelioration of progressive renal injury by genetic manipulation of Klotho gene.

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Klotho, an antiaging gene with restricted organ distribution, is mainly expressed in the kidney tubules; the mutant mice have shortened life span, arteriosclerosis, anemia, and osteoporesis, features common to patients with chronic renal failure. Conceivably, the reduction of the Klotho gene

[Effect of recombinant human erythropoietin on the bone marrow picture in patients with chronic renal failure treated by hemodialysis].

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The influence of recombinant human erythropoietin (rHu-EPO) on anaemia and bone marrow cells was investigated in 7 patients with terminal renal failure on maintenance haemodialysis. The examination was performed immediately prior to rHu-EPO treatment (mean hematocrit 20.3%) and after increase of

Estimation of Achievable Oxygen Consumption Following Transfusion With Rejuvenated Red Blood Cells.

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Erythrocyte storage induces a nonphysiological increase in hemoglobin-oxygen affinity (quantified by low p50, the oxygen tension at 50% hemoglobin saturation), which can be restored through biochemical rejuvenation. The objective was to mathematically model the impact of transfusing up to 3 standard
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Шинж тэмдэг эсвэл өвчний талаар бичиж, тус болох ургамлын талаар уншиж, өвслөг ургамлыг бичиж, өвчний эсрэг шинж тэмдгийг үзээрэй.
* Бүх мэдээлэл нь хэвлэгдсэн эрдэм шинжилгээний судалгаанд үндэслэсэн болно

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