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Failure of prolonged hypocapnia, hypothermia, or hypertension to favorably alter acute stroke in primates.

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Нэвтрэх / Бүртгүүлэх
The effects of induced hypocapnia, hypothermia, and hypertension were surveyed in a primate model of acute stroke during and following a 48-hour period of intensive care. The results were compared to a group of nine control animals previously studied. Hypocapnia (PaCO2=25 torr) was examined in five

Cheyne-Stokes respiration in stroke: relationship to hypocapnia and occult cardiac dysfunction.

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BACKGROUND Central sleep apnea (CSA) and Cheyne-Stokes respiration have been reported in association with stroke, but their pathophysiologic correlates have not been well described. OBJECTIVE To test the hypotheses that (1) CSA in patients with stroke is associated with nocturnal hypocapnia and (2)

Do acute stroke patients develop hypocapnia? A systematic review and meta-analysis.

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Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a potent cerebral vasomotor agent. Despite reduction in CO2 levels (hypocapnia) being described in several acute diseases, there is no clear data on baseline CO2 values in acute stroke. The aim of the study was to

Oxygen availability in ischemic brain following hypocarbia and hypercarbia. Polarographical depth electrode recordings in evolving and completed experimental stroke in the monkey.

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Assessment of corticodiaphragmatic pathway and pulmonary function in acute ischemic stroke patients.

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Нэвтрэх / Бүртгүүлэх
The aims of this study were to investigate the effect of stroke on the corticodiaphragmatic pathway and to clarify the relationships between neurophysiological data and degree of motor disability, site of infarction in CT scan, diaphragmatic excursion, blood gases and pulmonary function in stroke

Role of anesthesia in endovascular stroke therapy.

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Нэвтрэх / Бүртгүүлэх
OBJECTIVE Recent randomized clinical trials have demonstrated strong efficacy of endovascular therapy (EVT) for acute ischemic stroke (AIS) from large vessel occlusions; in the USA alone, tens of thousands of patients annually may benefit. The impact of the type of anesthesia used during mechanical

Endovascular thrombectomy in acute ischemic stroke: new treatment guide.

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Нэвтрэх / Бүртгүүлэх
OBJECTIVE Recent randomized clinical trials (RCTs) have demonstrated strong efficacy of endovascular thrombectomy (EVT) for acute ischemic stroke (AIS) from large vessel occlusions (LVO). SIESTA, AnSTROKE, GOLIATH showed no deleterious effects of general anesthesia on patient outcome after EVT

[Anesthesiological management in endovascular stroke treatment].

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Early recanalization of the closed cerebral arteries after acute ischemic stroke (AIS) is the only treatment to minimize long-term disability and to reduce the associated morbidity and mortality. For a long time the only proven causal treatment of AIS was intravenous thrombolysis; however, after the

Cerebral vasoreactivity in hypocapnia and hypercapnia in patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 with or without arterial hypertension.

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Нэвтрэх / Бүртгүүлэх
OBJECTIVE Diabetes mellitus (DM) is an in-dependent risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. The origin of diabetic microangiopathy is multifactorial; it affects all layers of the artery wall, causing endothelial and vasoreactivity impairment. The incidence of cerebral vasoreactivity failure in

Effects of hypocapnia and hypocapnic alkalosis on cardiovascular function.

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Cardiovascular effects of hypocapnia and hypocapnic alkalosis with and without a fluid load were studied in four groups of dogs (group I: fluid load control; group II: fluid load-isolated hypocapnia; group III: fluid load-hypocapnic alkalosis; group IV: no fluid load-hypocapnic alkalosis).

Circulatory and Respiratory Parameters during Acute Endovascular Stroke Therapy in Conscious Sedation or General Anesthesia.

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BACKGROUND Whether patients suffering from acute ischemic stroke and undergoing endovascular recanalization should be treated under general anesthesia (GA) or conscious sedation (CS) is a matter of debate. According to retrospective studies, GA appears to be associated with a worse outcome than CS.

Pulmonary and circulatory parameter guided anesthesia in patients with ischemic stroke undergoing endovascular recanalization.

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Нэвтрэх / Бүртгүүлэх
OBJECTIVE Endovascular recanalization in ischemic stroke is often performed under general anesthesia. Some studies have shown a detrimental effect of general anesthesia. The reasons are unknown. METHODS This was an observational study with retrospective and prospective phases. From 2008 to 2010, 60

The Effects of Hypocapnia on Brain Tissue Pulsations

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Hypocapnia is known to affect patients with acute stroke and plays a key role in governing cerebral autoregulation. However, the impact of hypocapnia on brain tissue pulsations (BTPs) is relatively unexplored. As BTPs are hypothesised to result from cerebrovascular resistance to the inflow of

To Tube or Not to Tube? The Role of Intubation during Stroke Thrombectomy.

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Нэвтрэх / Бүртгүүлэх
In the 10 years since the FDA first cleared the use of endovascular devices for the treatment of acute stroke, definitive evidence that such therapy improves outcomes remains lacking. The decision to intubate patients undergoing stroke thrombectomy impacts multiple variables that may influence

Caudoputamen is damaged by hypocapnia during mechanical ventilation in a rat model of chronic cerebral hypoperfusion.

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Нэвтрэх / Бүртгүүлэх
OBJECTIVE Postoperative brain dysfunction, such as delirium, is a common complication of anesthesia and is sometimes prolonged, especially in patients with cerebrovascular disease. In the present study we investigated the effect of hypocapnia during anesthesia on neuronal damage using a rat model of
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