Haitian Creole

kaempferia parviflora/бактерийн эсрэг

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Хуудас 1 -аас 21 үр дүн

Bactericidal action of Alpinia galanga essential oil on food-borne bacteria.

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Нэвтрэх / Бүртгүүлэх
The use of natural antimicrobial agents is garnering attention due to consumer and producer awareness of health problems. This study found that the essential oil of A. galanga had strong bactericidal activity against both Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria. The bactericidal action of A.

Antibacterial activity of Thai herbal extracts on acne involved microorganism.

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Ethyl acetate and methanol extracts of 18 Thai medicinal plants were investigated for their antibacterial activity against Propionibacterium acnes, Stapylococcus aureus, and S. epidermidis. Thirteen plant extracts were capable of inhibiting the growth of P. acnes and S. epidermidis, while 14 plant

Antibacterial effect of five Zingiberaceae essential oils.

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Essential oil obtained by hydrodistillation and two different solvent extractions (petroleum ether and ethanol) from five Zingiberaceae species: ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe.), galanga (Alpinia galanga Sw.), turmeric (Curcuma longa L.), kaempferia (Boesenbergia pandurata Holtt.) and bastard

Bactericidal activity of herbal volatile oil extracts against multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii.

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Нэвтрэх / Бүртгүүлэх
OBJECTIVE The aim of the study is to investigate the antibacterial activity of 10 volatile oils extracted from medicinal plants, including galangal (Alpinia galanga Linn.), ginger (Zingiber officinale), plai (Zingiber cassumunar Roxb.), lime (Citrus aurantifolia), kaffir lime (Citrus hystrix DC.),

In Vitro Antioxidant and Bactericidal Efficacy of 15 Common Spices: Novel Therapeutics for Urinary Tract Infections?

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Background and Objectives: Bacterial urinary tract infection (UTI) is the most common ailment affecting all age groups in males and females. The commercial antibiotics usage augments antibiotics resistance and creates higher recurrence rates of such communal infections. Hence, this study is

Large Scale Screening of Ethnomedicinal Plants for Identification of Potential Antibacterial Compounds.

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The global burden of bacterial infections is very high and has been exacerbated by increasing resistance to multiple antibiotics. Antibiotic resistance leads to failed treatment of infections, which can ultimately lead to death. To overcome antibiotic resistance, it is necessary to identify new

Antibacterial activity of Alpinia galanga (L) Willd crude extracts.

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Methanol, acetone and diethyl ether extracts of Alpinia galanga have been evaluated against pathogens viz. Bacillus subtilis MTCC 2391, Enterobacter aerogene, Enterobacter cloacae, Enterococcus faecalis, Escherichia coli MTCC 1563, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa MTCC 6642, Salmonella

A new lectin from the tuberous rhizome of Kaempferia rotunda: isolation, characterization, antibacterial and antiproliferative activities.

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A lectin (designated as KRL) was purified from the extracts of Kaempferia rotunda Linn. tuberous rhizome by glucose-sepharose affinity chromatography. KRL was determined to be a 29.0 ± 1.0 kDa polypeptide by SDS-PAGE under both reducing and non-reducing conditions. KRL was a divalent ion dependent

Antibacterial activity of Kaempferia rotunda rhizome lectin and its induction of apoptosis in Ehrlich ascites carcinoma cells.

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The tuberous rhizome Kaempferia rotunda Linn. has been used as food and traditional medicinal plant, and the purified K. rotunda lectin (KRL) showed antiproliferative activity against Ehrlich ascites carcinoma cells [1]. In the present study, KRL showed agglutination activity against Escherichia

Isopanduratin A from Kaempferia pandurata as an active antibacterial agent against cariogenic Streptococcus mutans.

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An antibacterial compound active against Streptococcus mutans was isolated from Kaempferia pandurata and identified as isopanduratin A using 1H NMR, 13C NMR and EI-MS. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of isopanduratin A was 4 mg/l which was much lower than that of some other natural

[Indian drugs with antibacterial action: Alpina galanga & Acorus calamus].

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Antibacterial properties of volatile principles from Alpinia galanga and Acorus calamus.

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Antiplasmid activity of 1'-acetoxychavicol acetate from Alpinia galanga against multi-drug resistant bacteria.

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Нэвтрэх / Бүртгүүлэх
BACKGROUND Alpinia galanga (L.) Swartz is traditionally used in the treatment of various ailments across India, China, and Southeast Asian countries. In India it is a reputed drug in indigenous system of medicine and largely used as antibacterial and antiseptic. In southern India the rhizomes has

Reversing β-lactam antibiotic resistance of Staphylococcus aureus with galangin from Alpinia officinarum Hance and synergism with ceftazidime.

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The purpose of this investigation was to extract and identify the bioactive phytochemicals from smaller galanga (Alpinia officinarum Hance). The antibacterial, synergy effects and primary mechanism of action of galangin and ceftazidime against S. aureus DMST 20651 are also investigated by minimum

Evaluating the anti Mycobacterium tuberculosis activity of Alpinia galanga (L.) Willd. axenically under reducing oxygen conditions and in intracellular assays.

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BACKGROUND In tuberculosis (TB), the steadily increasing bacterial resistance to existing drugs and latent TB continue to be major concerns. A combination of conventional drugs and plant derived therapeutics can serve to expand the antimicrobial spectrum, prevent the emergence of drug resistant
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