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malic enzyme/төмс

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Malate Dehydrogenase and NAD Malic Enzyme in the Oxidation of Malate by Sweet Potato Mitochondria.

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Over a range of concentrations from less than 0.1 mm to more than 70 mm, sweet potato root mitochondria display a bimodal substrate saturation isotherm for malate. The high affinity portion of the isotherm has an apparent Km for malate of 0.85 mm and fits a rectangular hyperbolic function. The low

Effect of Potato virus Y on the NADP-malic enzyme from Nicotiana tabacum L.: mRNA, expressed protein and activity.

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The effect of biotic stress induced by viral infection (Potato virus Y, strain NTN and O) on NADP-malic enzyme (EC in tobacco plants (Nicotiana tabacum L., cv. Petit Havana, SR1) was tested at the transcriptional, translational and activity level. The increase of enzyme activity in

Unidirectional inhibition and activation of "malic' enzyme of Solanum tuberosum by meso-tartrate.

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A kinetic study of "malic' enzyme (EC from potato suggests that the mechanism is Ordered Bi Ter with NADP+ binding before malate, and NADPH binding before pyruvate and HCO3-. The analysis is complicated by the non-linearity that occurs in some of the plots. meso-Tartrate is shown to

Modulation of the activity of NAD malic enzyme from solanum tuberosum by changes in oligomeric state.

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The effects of pH, NaCl, and malate2- on the equilibrium between dimeric and higher-molecular-weight forms of NAD malic enzyme from Solanum tuberosum var. Chieftain have been analyzed by monitoring the kinetic changes associated with disaggregation [S. D. Grover and R. T. Wedding (1982) Plant

NAD malic enzyme and the control of carbohydrate metabolism in potato tubers.

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Potato (Solanum tuberosum) plants were transformed with a cDNA encoding the 59-kD subunit of the potato tuber NAD-dependent malic enzyme (NADME) in the antisense orientation. Measurements of the maximum catalytic activity of NADME in tubers revealed a range of reductions in the activity of this

Regulation of 'malic' enzyme of Solanum tuberosum by metabolites.

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A purification of ;malic' enzyme from potato is described. The purified enzyme is specific for NADP and requires a bivalent cation for activity. At pH values below 7 the plot of rate versus malate concentration approximates to normal Michaelis-Menten kinetics. At pH values above 7 the plot of rate

Purification of NAD malic enzyme from potato and investigation of some physical and kinetic properties.

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L-malic acid biosensor for field-based evaluation of apple, potato and tomato horticultural produce.

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A screen-printed three-electrode amperometric biosensor incorporating malic enzyme for the measurement of L-malic acid in apple, potato and tomato horticultural samples has been developed. The working electrode contained 0.38 mU of immobilised enzyme and was fabricated using rhodinised carbon to

[Enzyme activities and substrate levels of carbohydrate metabolism in proliferating and suberin synthesizing potato tuber cells].

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Isolation of tissue fragments from the potato tuber can initiate either periderm formation including suberin synthesis or cell proliferation without cicatrization effects. TCA-cycle activity has been shown to develop only in causal correlation with suberin synthesis (Lange, 1970). Biochemical

Activation of NAD-linked malic enzyme in intact plant mitochondria by exogenous coenzyme A.

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O2 uptake by potato and cauliflower bud mitochondria oxidizing malate was progressively inhibited as the pH of the external medium was increased, in response to accumulation of oxaloacetate. Adding 0.5 mM coenzyme A to the medium reversed this trend by stimulating intramitochondrial NAD-linked malic

The activity and isoforms of NADP-malic enzyme in Nicotiana benthamiana plants under biotic stress.

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The activity and presence of isoforms of NADP-dependent malic enzyme (NADP-ME, EC were studied in non-transgenic and transgenic Nicotiana benthamiana plants containing potyviral gene for helper component protease (HC-pro) and in plants infected by Potato virus Y strain NTN (PVY(NTN)). No

First Report of A1 and A2 Mating Types of Phytophthora infestans on Potato and Tomato in Nepal.

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Late blight caused by Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary is an important disease of potato and tomato that occurs annually in the hills and occasionally in the terai (plain) of Nepal. In 1996 and 1997, each year, 50 samples of late blight-infected potato and tomato leaves were collected from the

Plant mitochondrial NAD+-dependent malic enzyme. cDNA cloning, deduced primary structure of the 59- and 62-kDa subunits, import, gene complexity and expression analysis.

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The 59- and 62-kDa subunits of the mitochondrial NAD+-dependent malic enzyme (EC were purified from Solanum tuberosum L. (potato). NH2-terminal and internal amino acid sequence information was used to identify cDNAs encoding the two subunits. Comparison of the nucleotide sequences revealed

Integration and expression of Sorghum C(4) phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase and chloroplastic NADP(+)-malate dehydrogenase separately or together in C(3) potato plants(1).

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We have integrated two cDNAs expressing Sorghum photosynthetic phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (C(4)-PEPC) and NADP-malate dehydrogenase (cpMDH), two key enzymes involved in the primary carbon fixation pathway of NADP-malic enzyme-type C(4) plants, separately or together into a C(3) plant (potato).

Kinetic Ramifications of the Association-Dissociation Behavior of NAD Malic Enzyme : A Possible Regulatory Mechanism.

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NAD malic enzyme can exist in dimer, tetramer, or octamer form. Freshly prepared enzyme from Solanum tuberosum var. Chieftan exists predominantly as the octamer and during storage is progressively converted into lower molecular weight forms. High ionic strength favors dimer formation, whereas high
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