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malic enzyme/arabidopsis thaliana

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Arabidopsis thaliana NADP-malic enzyme isoforms: high degree of identity but clearly distinct properties.

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The Arabidopsis thaliana genome contains four NADP-malic enzymes genes (NADP-ME1-4). NADP-ME4 is localized to plastids whereas the other isoforms are cytosolic. NADP-ME2 and 4 are constitutively expressed, while NADP-ME1 is restricted to secondary roots and NADP-ME3 to trichomes and pollen. Although

NAD-malic enzymes of Arabidopsis thaliana display distinct kinetic mechanisms that support differences in physiological control.

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The Arabidopsis thaliana genome contains two genes encoding NAD-MEs [NAD-dependent malic enzymes; NAD-ME1 (TAIR accession number At4G13560) and NAD-ME2 (TAIR accession number At4G00570)]. The encoded proteins are localized to mitochondria and assemble as homo- and hetero- dimers in vitro and in

Three different and tissue-specific NAD-malic enzymes generated by alternative subunit association in Arabidopsis thaliana.

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The Arabidopsis thaliana genome contains two genes encoding the mitochondrial NAD-malic enzyme (NAD-ME), NAD-ME1 (At2g13560) and NAD-ME2 (At4g00570). The characterization of recombinant NAD-ME1 and -2 indicated that both enzymes assemble as active homodimers; however, a heterodimeric enzyme

Fumarate and cytosolic pH as modulators of the synthesis or consumption of C(4) organic acids through NADP-malic enzyme in Arabidopsis thaliana.

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Arabidopsis thaliana is a plant species that accumulates high levels of organic acids and uses them as carbon, energy and reducing power sources. Among the enzymes that metabolize these compounds, one of the most important ones is malic enzyme (ME). A. thaliana contains four malic enzymes (NADP-ME

Loss of cytosolic NADP-malic enzyme 2 in Arabidopsis thaliana is associated with enhanced susceptibility to Colletotrichum higginsianum.

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• While photosynthetic NADP-malic enzyme (NADP-ME) has a prominent role in the C(4) cycle, the biological function of nonphotosynthetic isoforms remains elusive. Here, we analysed the link between Arabidopsis thaliana cytosolic NADP-ME2 and the plant defence response. • Arabidopsis thaliana plants

Identification of domains involved in the allosteric regulation of cytosolic Arabidopsis thaliana NADP-malic enzymes.

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The Arabidopsis thaliana genome contains four genes encoding NADP-malic enzymes (NADP-ME1-4). Two isoenzymes, NADP-ME2 and NADP-ME3, which are shown to be located in the cytosol, share a remarkably high degree of identity (90%). However, they display different expression patterns and show distinct

Specific Arabidopsis thaliana malic enzyme isoforms can provide anaplerotic pyruvate carboxylation function in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

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NAD(P)-malic enzyme (NAD(P)-ME) catalyzes the reversible oxidative decarboxylation of malate to pyruvate, CO2 , and NAD(P)H and is present as a multigene family in Arabidopsis thaliana. The carboxylation reaction catalyzed by purified recombinant Arabidopsis NADP-ME proteins is faster than those

NADP-Dependent Malic Enzyme 1 Participates in the Abscisic Acid Response in Arabidopsis thaliana.

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Arabidopsis thaliana possesses three cytosolic (NADP-ME1-3) and one plastidic (NADP-ME4) NADP-dependent malic enzymes. NADP-ME2 and -ME4 show constitutive expression, in contrast to NADP-ME1 and -ME3, which are restricted to particular tissues. Here, we show that NADP-ME1 transcript and protein were

NADP-MALIC ENZYME 1 affects germination after seed storage in Arabidopsis thaliana.

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Aging decreases the quality of seeds and results in agricultural and economic losses. The damage that occurs at the biochemical level can alter the seed physiological status. Although loss of viability has been investigated frequently, little information exist on the molecular and biochemical

Short-Term Low Temperature Induces Nitro-Oxidative Stress that Deregulates the NADP-Malic Enzyme Function by Tyrosine Nitration in Arabidopsis thaliana.

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Low temperature (LT) negatively affects plant growth and development via the alteration of the metabolism of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (ROS and RNS). Among RNS, tyrosine nitration, the addition of an NO2 group to a tyrosine residue, can modulate reduced

A comprehensive analysis of the NADP-malic enzyme gene family of Arabidopsis.

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The Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) genome contains four genes encoding putative NADP-malic enzymes (MEs; AtNADP-ME1-ME4). NADP-ME4 is localized to plastids, whereas the other three isoforms do not possess any predicted organellar targeting sequence and are therefore expected to be cytosolic. The

Activation of NADPH-recycling systems in leaves and roots of Arabidopsis thaliana under arsenic-induced stress conditions is accelerated by knock-out of Nudix hydrolase 19 (AtNUDX19) gene.

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NADPH is an important cofactor in cell growth, proliferation and detoxification. Arabidopsis thaliana Nudix hydrolase 19 (AtNUDX19) belongs to a family of proteins defined by the conserved amino-acid sequence GX5-EX7REUXEEXGU which has the capacity to hydrolyze NADPH as a physiological substrate in

Kinetics and functional diversity among the five members of the NADP-malic enzyme family from Zea mays, a C4 species.

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NADP-malic enzyme (NADP-ME) is involved in different metabolic pathways in several organisms due to the relevant physiological functions of the substrates and products of its reaction. In plants, it is one of the most important proteins that were recruited to fulfil key roles in C4 photosynthesis.

Alteration of organic acid metabolism in Arabidopsis overexpressing the maize C4 NADP-malic enzyme causes accelerated senescence during extended darkness.

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The full-length cDNA encoding the maize (Zea mays) C(4) NADP-malic enzyme was expressed in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) under the control of the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter. Homozygous transgenic plants (MEm) were isolated with activities ranging from 6- to 33-fold of those found in

Arabidopsis NAD-malic enzyme functions as a homodimer and heterodimer and has a major impact on nocturnal metabolism.

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Although the nonphotosynthetic NAD-malic enzyme (NAD-ME) was assumed to play a central role in the metabolite flux through the tricarboxylic acid cycle, the knowledge on this enzyme is still limited. Here, we report on the identification and characterization of two genes encoding mitochondrial
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