Haitian Creole

melastoma malabathricum/антиоксидант

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Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction and Identification of Natural Antioxidants from the Fruit of Melastoma sanguineum Sims.

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The fruit of Melastoma sanguineum Sims is an edible and sweet wild fruit. In our previous study, the fruit was found to have a strong antioxidant property. In this study, an ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE) method was developed to extract natural antioxidants from the fruit of Melastoma

Antioxidant and Cytotoxicity Activities of Karamunting (Melastoma malabathricum L.) Fruit Ethanolic Extract and Quercetin

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Melastoma malabathricum L. is a type of plant naturally grows in Kalimantan that has medicinal properties.Ethanolic extract of M. malabathricum L. flower has quercetin and kaempferol contents that have antioxidant andanticancer activities. But the antioxidant and cytotoxicity activities of M.

Methanol extract of Melastoma malabathricum leaves exerted antioxidant and liver protective activity in rats.

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BACKGROUND Melastoma malabathricum L. (Melastomaceae) is a small shrub with various medicinal uses. The present study was carried out to determine the hepatoprotective activity of methanol extract of M. malabathricum leaves (MEMM) against the paracetamol-induced liver toxicity in rats

In vitro antiproliferative and antioxidant activities and total phenolic contents of the extracts of Melastoma malabathricum leaves.

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The present study aims to determine the in vitro antiproliferative and antioxidant activities of various extracts from the leaves of Melastoma malabathricum using various established in vitro assays. The aqueous extract inhibited the proliferation of Caov-3 and HL-60 cell lines, while the chloroform

Antioxidant activity and polyphenol content in edible wild fruits from Nepal.

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Нэвтрэх / Бүртгүүлэх
Fifteen fruits commonly used by the ethnic population in Nepal were studied for the antioxidant activity and total polyphenol content (TPC). Among them, Terminalia bellirica, Terminalia chebula, Phyllanthus emblica and Spondias pinnata were the most potent antioxidants as compared with vitamin C

Anti-diabetic, anti-oxidant and anti-hyperlipidemic activities of Melastoma malabathricum Linn. leaves in streptozotocin induced diabetic rats.

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BACKGROUND Melastoma malabathricum (MM) Linn leaves traditionally use in the treatment of diabetic conditions. The aim of the present investigation was to evaluate the antioxidant, antihyperlipidemic and antidiabetic activity of methanolic extract taken from Melastoma malabathricum Linn

Antioxidant capacities and total phenolic contents of 56 wild fruits from South China.

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In order to identify wild fruits possessing high nutraceutical potential, the antioxidant activities of 56 wild fruits from South China were systematically evaluated. The fat-soluble components were extracted with tetrahydrofuran, and the water-soluble ones were extracted with a 50:3.7:46.3 (v/v)
Recent study has demonstrated the gastroprotective activity of crude methanolic extract of M. malabathricum leaves. The present study evaluated the gastroprotective potential of semipurified extracts (partitions): petroleum ether, ethyl acetate (EAMM), and aqueous obtained from the methanolic

Acute toxicity evaluation, antibacterial, antioxidant and immunomodulatory effects of Melastoma malabathricum.

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Нэвтрэх / Бүртгүүлэх
Melastoma malabathricum (MM) is a well-known plant in Malaysian traditional medicine, locally known as senduduk. Its ethanol and aqueous extracts have been used in the present investigation to study the immunomodulatory role on human peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC), and the DPPH, ABTS and

Antiulcer activity of methanol extract of Melastoma malabathricum leaves in rats.

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OBJECTIVE To determine the potential antiulcer activity of methanol extract of Melastoma malabathricum leaves (MEMM) using various established rat models. METHODS Ten groups of rats were used and orally administered 10% DMSO (negative control), 100 mg/kg ranitidine (positive control) or MEMM (50,

Chemopreventive activity of methanol extract of Melastoma malabathricum leaves in DMBA-induced mouse skin carcinogenesis.

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Нэвтрэх / Бүртгүүлэх
BACKGROUND Melastoma malabathricum L. Smith (family Melastomaceae) is a shrub that has been used by the Malay practitioners of traditional medicine to treat various types of ailments. The present study aimed to determine the chemopreventive activity of methanol extract of M. malabathricum leaves

Hepatoprotective activity of methanol extract of Melastoma malabathricum leaf in rats.

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The present study aimed to determine the hepatoprotective activity of a methanol extract of Melastoma malabathricum leaves (MEMM) using two established rat models. Ten groups of rats (n=6) were given a once-daily administration of 10% dimethyl sulfoxide (negative control), 200 mg/kg silymarin

Anti-ulcer activity of the aqueous extract of Melastoma malabathricum L. leaf in rats.

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Melastoma malabathricum L. Smith (Melastomaceae) has been used in the Malay traditional culture to treat ulcer-based ailments.The objective of the present study was to investigate the potential anti-ulcer effect of aqueous extract of M. malabathricum leaves (AEMM) using ethanol- and

Melastoma malabathricum (L.) Smith Ethnomedicinal Uses, Chemical Constituents, and Pharmacological Properties: A Review.

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Melastoma malabathricum L. (Melastomataceae) is one of the 22 species found in the Southeast Asian region, including Malaysia. Considered as native to tropical and temperate Asia and the Pacific Islands, this commonly found small shrub has gained herbal status in the Malay folklore belief as well as

Gastroprotective activity of chloroform extract of Muntingia calabura and Melastoma malabathricum leaves.

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BACKGROUND Muntingia calabura L. (family Muntingiaceae) and Melastoma malabathricum L. (family Melastomaceae) are traditionally used to treat gastric ulcer. OBJECTIVE The present study determines the mechanisms of gastroprotective activity of the chloroform extract of leaves obtained from both the
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