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Extracellular acid and alkaline proteases from Candida olea.

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Candida olea 148 secreted a single acid protease when cultured at acidic pH. In unbuffered medium, the culture pH eventually became alkaline and a single alkaline protease was produced. This was the only proteolytic enzyme produced when the organism was grown in buffered medium at alkaline pH. Both

Phenolic Compounds from Olea europaea L. Possess Antioxidant Activity and Inhibit Carbohydrate Metabolizing Enzymes In Vitro.

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Phenolic composition and biological activities of fruit extracts from Italian and Algerian Olea europaea L. cultivars were studied. Total phenolic and tannin contents were quantified in the extracts. Moreover 14 different phenolic compounds were identified, and their profiles showed remarkable

Role of carbohydrate reserves in yield production of intensively cultivated oil olive (Olea europaea L.) trees.

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Olive (Olea europaea) has a very high tendency for year-to-year deviation in yield (alternate bearing), which has a negative economic impact on the olive oil industry. Among possible reasons for alternate bearing, depletion of stored carbohydrates (CHO) during the On-year (high yield) has often been

Utilization and transport of mannitol in Olea europaea and implications for salt stress tolerance.

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Mannitol is one of the primary photosynthetic products and the major phloem-translocated carbohydrate in Olea europaea L., an important crop in the Mediterranean basin. Uptake of mannitol in heterotrophic cell suspensions of O. europaea was shown to be mediated by a 1 : 1 polyol : H+ symport system

Genome-wide identification of alternate bearing-associated microRNAs (miRNAs) in olive (Olea europaea L.).

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BACKGROUND Alternate bearing is a widespread phenomenon among crop plants, defined as the tendency of certain fruit trees to produce a high-yield crop one year ("on-year"), followed by a low-yield or even no crop the following year ("off-year"). Several factors may affect the balance between such

The effect of abiotic stresses on carbohydrate status of olive shoots (Olea europaea L.) under in vitro conditions.

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Olive plants produce both sucrose and mannitol as major photosynthetic products. Contrary to previously studied celery [Vítová et al., Mannitol utilisation by celery (Apium graveolens) plants grown under different conditions in vitro. Plant Sci 2002; 163: 907-16], in vitro these carbohydrates were

Physiological and biochemical responses of some olive cultivars (Olea europaea L.) to water stress.

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Water stress is one of the important abiotic environmental stresses that threaten the agricultural -products in the world. This experiment was carried out to determine the effect of water stress on physiological and biochemical characteristics of three commercial olive cultivars. A factorial pot

Histological and immunohistochemical studies on flower induction in the olive tree (Olea europaea L.).

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The aim of this research was to study flower bud differentiation processes in two oil olive cultivars from Tuscan germplasm (Leccino and Puntino). The effect of fruit-set was studied using 'ON' (with fruits) and 'OFF' (without fruits) shoots. Axillary buds were periodically collected at different

Temporal matching among diurnal photosynthetic patterns within the crown of the evergreen sclerophyll Olea europaea L.

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Trees are modular organisms that adjust their within-crown morphology and physiology in response to within-crown light gradients. However, whether within-plant variation represents a strategy for optimizing light absorption has not been formally tested. We investigated the arrangement of the

A bioactive extract from Olea europaea protects newly weaned beef heifers against experimentally induced chronic inflammation1.

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Weaning is one of the most stressful periods in the life of a ruminant. Several factors entrenched within typical management practices pose challenges to the calf gastrointestinal health. Weaning is associated with losses in BW and feed intake. In addition, increasing highly fermentable

[Therapeutic effect of Olea europea var. oleaster leaves on carbohydrate and lipid metabolism in obese and prediabetic sand rats (Psammomys obesus)].

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Sand rats develop obesity, insulin-resistance, hyperlipidemia and prediabetes, when given a standard laboratory chow diet. We have used this model to demonstrate the beneficial action of olea europea var. oleaster leaves to regulate unbalanced metabolism. 32 sand rats fed on hypercaloric diet during

An in vitro nutritive evaluation of olive tree (Olea europaea) pruning residues as affected by cutting regimen.

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Nutritive values of the branches from Olea europaea trees cut at 25, 50, 75 or 100 cm distance from the tip were evaluated by determination of the in vitro digestible organic matter (IVDOM), metabolizable energy (ME), net energy lactation (NEL), and presence nutritional and anti-nutritional

Boron remobilization at low boron supply in olive (Olea europaea) in relation to leaf and phloem mannitol concentrations.

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For plant species in which a considerable portion of the photoassimilates are translocated in the phloem as sugar alcohols, boron is freely translocated from mature organs to growing tissues. However, the effects of decreased plant boron status on boron remobilization are poorly understood. We

Analysis of leaf water relations in leaves of two olive (Olea europaea) cultivars differing in tolerance to salinity.

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One-year-old rooted cuttings of olive (Olea europaea L. cvs. Frantoio and Leccino) were grown either hydroponically or in soil in a greenhouse. Plants were exposed to NaCl treatments (0, 100, and 200 mM) for 35 days, followed by 30 to 34 days of relief from salt stress to determine whether

Freezing avoidance by supercooling in Olea europaea cultivars: the role of apoplastic water, solute content and cell wall rigidity.

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Plants can avoid freezing damage by preventing extracellular ice formation below the equilibrium freezing temperature (supercooling). We used Olea europaea cultivars to assess which traits contribute to avoid ice nucleation at sub-zero temperatures. Seasonal leaf water relations, non-structural
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