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parietaria officinalis/asthma

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Asthma trough to Parietaria in pediatrics.

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We selected 183 patients with asthma, rhinitis and/or conjunctivitis. They responded positively to Parietaria Judaica skin prick-tests. In the first test 91 were positive. Of those 11 were monosensitive and 80 polysensitive. In the follow-up tests 92 were positive, of which 5 were monosensitive and

[The effect of formoterol on light or moderate bronchial asthma due to allergy to Parietaria officinalis].

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We have evaluated the effect of formoterol in 28 patients (20 males and 8 females, mean age 25.4 years) affected by mild or moderate bronchial asthma due to Parietaria allergy. Inhaled formoterol was given at the dosage of 24 mg twice a day for 10 weeks during the pollen season. Patients had to

Sublingual immunotherapy: a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial with Parietaria judaica extract standardized in mass units in patients with rhinoconjunctivitis, asthma, or both.

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BACKGROUND New routes of administering immunotherapy in respiratory allergy are being studied as an alternative to conventional injective immunotherapy. We carried out a study to evaluate the clinical efficacy and effects of sublingual immunotherapy in patients with Parietaria judaica-induced

Behaviour on the nasal provocation test in patients affected by conjunctivitis and/or asthma of allergic origin.

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In the Allergo-Immunological Centre of Rome University we selected 120 patients of both sexes, ranging from 5-65 years of age, affected by asthma and/or conjunctivitis without past or present history of nasal impairment (itching, sneezing, hydrorrhea). As a result of the allergometric tests carried

The prevalence of allergic asthma and rhinitis in children of Polichni, Thessaloniki.

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OBJECTIVE To define the prevalence of asthma and rhinitis in primary school children in the Polichni Municipality of the city of Thessaloniki. RESULTS The parents of 2005 students living in the area of Polichni completed a questionnaire for the detection of pulmonary disease in childhood. Of 493

Occupational rhinitis and bronchial asthma due to artichoke (Cynara scolymus).

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BACKGROUND The artichoke is a perennial horticultural plant that belongs to the Compositae family. OBJECTIVE To present case studies of 2 vegetable warehouse workers who developed occupational rhinitis and bronchial asthma by sensitization to artichoke. METHODS Skin prick tests with common inhalants

Late onset asthma clinical and immunological data: importance of allergy.

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In people over 65 years of age (mean age 72) late onset asthma (LOA) is often mistaken for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Furthermore, it is generally believed that true allergic asthma starts very seldom in old age and that, in this case, it is actually intrinsic asthma i.e., without

Activation of protease-activated receptor-2 reduces airways inflammation in experimental allergic asthma.

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BACKGROUND Proteinase-activated receptors (PAR)-2 are members of the family of G-protein-coupled receptors activated by proteases. These receptors are widely expressed in several tissues and in virtually all cells involved in rhinitis and asthma. In particular, proteinases activating PAR-2 may

Local nasal immunotherapy and bronchial hyperreactivity in seasonal allergic rhinitis: an observational pilot study.

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The clinical efficacy of local nasal immunotherapy (LNIT) in patients with allergic rhinitis is amply documented. The aim of the study was to determine the effect on bronchial hyperresponsiveness (BHR) assessed at baseline and after 3 years of LNIT or pharmacological treatment alone. Forty-three

Allergen-specific conjunctival challenge in asthma. An additional diagnostic tool to define sensitization.

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Reversible airway obstruction and airway inflammation following allergen exposure represent crucial pathophysiological features of allergic asthma. In order to investigate these events, bronchial-specific challenge is commonly employed although it may be complicated and may not be free of possible

Pharmacoeconomics of allergen immunotherapy compared with symptomatic drug treatment in patients with allergic rhinitis and asthma.

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Only a few studies analyzed the pharmacoeconomics of allergen immunotherapy compared with drug treatment in subjects with allergic rhinitis and asthma. This study was aimed at evaluating whether allergen immunotherapy has an economic advantage on standard antiallergic drugs in patients with

A randomized, controlled study of specific immunotherapy in monosensitized subjects with seasonal rhinitis: effect on bronchial hyperresponsiveness, sputum inflammatory markers and development of asthma symptoms.

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Allergic rhinitis is often associated with bronchial hyperresponsiveness (BHR) and airway inflammation, and it seems to be an important risk factor for the development of asthma. Specific immunotherapy (SIT) reduces symptoms and medication requirements in subjects with allergic rhinitis, but the

Geographic variations in the effect of atopy on asthma in the European Community Respiratory Health Study.

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BACKGROUND Atopy has long been related to asthma. The prevalences of both atopy and asthma have shown substantial variation. OBJECTIVE We sought to assess geographic variations in the fraction of asthma attributable to IgE sensitization to specific allergens in the European Community Respiratory

Greater risk of incident asthma cases in adults with allergic rhinitis and effect of allergen immunotherapy: a retrospective cohort study.

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Asthma and rhinitis are often co-morbid conditions. As rhinitis often precedes asthma it is possible that effective treatment of allergic rhinitis may reduce asthma progression. The aim of our study is to investigate history of allergic rhinitis as a risk factor for asthma and the potential effect

Ramie (Boehmeria nivea) pollen-induced bronchial asthma and allergenic cross-reactivity of ramie and Parietaria.

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Ramie (Boehmeria nivea), a plant of the Urticaceae family, is widely distributed in the Nagasaki area, and has been established to be a cause of asthma. The rate of positive reactions to ramie in intradermal tests was 11.7% among adult asthmatic patients in the Nagasaki area. In this study, 10
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