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Cassia abbreviata is a small to medium sized branched umbrella-shaped deciduous tree. It is widely spread in the tropics, especially in Africa, having a long history in traditional medicine for the treatment of numerous conditions such as headaches, diarrhea, constipation, some skin
Willow bark (Salicis cortex) is a herbal medicinal drug used to treat fever and pain, such as headaches and lower back pain. Until now, it has not been fully understood which compounds are responsible for the efficacy of the drug.Although salicylic acid is BACKGROUND
Ixora coccinea L. leaves and stem are used in traditional Sudanese and Ayurvedic medicinal systems for the treatment of diarrhoea, fever, headache, skin diseases, eye trouble, wounds, sores and ulcers. Recent studies show that I. coccinea has anti-oxidant, anti-bacterial, anti-cancer,
Acokanthera oppositifolia Lam (family: Apocynaceae) is a shrub or small tree with white latex, and the leaves of this plant are used in the form of a snuff to treat headaches and in infusions for abdominal pains and convulsions and septicaemia. Adenia gummifera Harv of the family