Haitian Creole

rosin/хорт хавдар

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Хуудас 1 -аас 17 үр дүн

Cancer chemopreventive activity of "rosin" constituents of Pinus spez. and their derivatives in two-stage mouse skin carcinogenesis test.

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Natural resin acids present in rosin of Pinus spez., including isopimaric acid (1), mercusic acid (2), neoabietic acid (3), dehydroabietic acid (4), and podocarpic acid (8), as well as resin acid derivatives 8β,9α,13α-H-tetrahydroabietic acid (5), 8α,9α,13α-H-tetrahydroabietic acid (6),

Crude Methanol Extract of Rosin Gum Exhibits Specific Cytotoxicity against Human Breast Cancer Cells via Apoptosis Induction.

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Rosin (Colophony) is a natural resin derived from species of the pine family Pinaceae. It has wide industrial applications including printing inks, photocopying paper, adhesives and varnishes, soap and soda. Rosin and its derivatives are employed as ingredients in various

Tumor invasion is inhibited by phosphorylated ascorbate via enrichment of intracellular vitamin C and decreasing of oxidative stress.

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Tumor metastasis and invasion were shown to be inhibited by the 2-O-phosphorylated form (Asc2P) of L-ascorbic acid (Asc); intact Asc did not inhibit tumor invasion when added once, but appreciably inhibited it upon repeated addition. The anti-metastatic effect is attributable to a marked enrichment

Allergic contact dermatitis caused by gum rosin and wood rosin in Tako-no-Suidashi ointment.

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Tako-no-Suidashi ointment (TSO) is an old Japanese over-the-counter drug, used for the drainage of infectious pustular disease, such as furuncles, carbuncles and infectious atheroma, although whether it works well or not is unknown. The ingredients of the TSO compound commonly include rapeseed oil,

Optically pure chiral copper(II) complexes of rosin derivative as attractive anticancer agents with potential anti-metastatic and anti-angiogenic activities.

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The development of optically pure drugs is the trend of new drugs research. Searching for optically pure metallodrugs against cancer has not been taken seriously. [CuL4Cl]Cl·2CH2Cl2·H2O (1) and [CuL4Br]Br·2CH2Cl2 (2) (L =

Cytotoxicity and Chemotherapeutic Potential of Natural Rosin Abietane Diterpenoids and their Synthetic Derivatives.

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Cancer is a major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Chemotherapeutic agents currently used in cancer treatment are associated with severe side effects and development of resistance. Thus, there is a pressing need for novel and more potent anticancer drugs with high selectivity for tumor

Chiral copper(II) complex based on natural product rosin derivative as promising antitumour agent.

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To evaluate the biological preference of chiral drug candidates for molecular target DNA, the synthesis and characterization of a chiral copper(II) complex (2) of a chiral ligand N,N'-(pyridin-2-ylmethylene) dehydroabietylamine (1) was carried out. The interactions of 1 and 2 with salmon sperm DNA

Enantiopure copper(II) complex of natural product rosin derivative: DNA binding, DNA cleavage and cytotoxicity.

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To develop chiral anticancer drug candidates for molecular target DNA, the synthesis and characterization of a novel enantiomerically pure copper(II) complex [Cu 1 Cl 2 ] (2) of an optically pure ligand N-(pyridin-2-ylmethylene) dehydroabietylamine (1) was carried out. The coordination geometry of

Biotechnological approaches to enhance salidroside, rosin and its derivatives production in selected Rhodiola spp. in vitro cultures.

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Rhodiola (Crassulaceae) an arctic-alpine plant, is extensively used in traditional folk medicine in Asian and European countries. A number of investigations have demonstrated that Rhodiola preparations exhibit adaptogenic, neuroprotective, anti-tumour, cardioprotective, and anti-depressant effects.

Bioactive compounds from northern plants.

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Northern conditions are characterised by long days with much light and low temperatures during the growing season. It has been chimed that herbs and berries grown in the north are stronger tasting compared to those of southern origin. The compounds imparting aroma and color to berries and herbs are

[Experimental analysis of therapeutic properties of Rhodiola rosea L. and its possible application in medicine].

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The paper presents a review of the scientific publications on Rhodiola rosea L. known for its adaptogenic characteristics. Biologically active substances salidroside, rosin, rosavin, rosarin and tyrosol, which are mainly found in plant rhizomes, demonstrate therapeutic effect. These active

Camptothecinoids from the seeds of Taiwanese Nothapodytes foetida.

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Two new alkaloids, 9-methoxy-18,19-dehydrocamptothecin (1) and 5- hydroxymappicine-20-O-beta-glucopyranoside (2a/2b as a racemic mixture), together with nine known compounds: camptothecin (3), 9-methoxy-camptothecin (4), 5-hydroxycamptothecin (5a/5b racemic mixture), 5-hydroxy-9-methoxycamptothecin

Enhanced invasion of Tax-expressing fibroblasts into the basement membrane is repressed by phosphorylated ascorbate with simultaneous decreases in intracellular oxidative stress and NF-kappa B activation.

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Invasion of rat fibroblastic cells Rat-1 through Matrigel was shown to be promoted by transfection with tax gene of human T-cell leukemia virus type 1. We found that an oxidation-resistant type of vitamin C (Asc), Asc-2-O-phosphate (Asc2P), inhibited the invasion of the tax-transfected Rat-1 cells

Tetrahydroabietic Acid, a Reduced Abietic Acid, Inhibits the Production of Inflammatory Mediators in RAW264.7 Macrophages Activated with Lipopolysaccharide.

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Abietic acid (AA), the main component of the rosin fraction of oleoresin synthesized by conifer species, has been reported to have anti-inflammatory effects. AA is a weak contact allergen; however, compounds resulting from its oxidation by air elicit stronger allergic response. Hydrogenation of the

[Cataplasma of traditional Chinese medicine].

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The TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) transdermal plaster (also known as "cataplasma") are flexible adhesive patches used for treatment of pain, resulted from arthritis, sprain and bruise, tendovaginitis, lumbar spine protrude, neuralgia, hyperosteogeny ache, abdominal discomfort and metastatic
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