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Peripheral inflammation is associated with decreased veratridine-induced release of GABA in the rat ventrocaudal periaqueductal gray: microdialysis study.

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Systemic administration of opiates or direct injection of opioid peptides into the periaqueductal gray (PAG) produces a profound antinociception which is thought to be associated with inhibition of neuronal activity in the PAG. This inhibitory effect has been postulated to result from opiate

Cutaneous sensitivity modulation by Aquaphilus dolomiae extract-G3 on in vitro models of neuro-inflammation

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Background: Inflammatory skin disorders, including atopic dermatitis (AD), associated pruritus and sensitive skin, have a complex multifactorial pathogenesis including neurogenic inflammation involving the release in blood and skin of

Novel effect of nefopam preventing cGMP increase, oxygen radical formation and neuronal death induced by veratridine.

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Nefopam hydrochloride is a potent analgesic compound that possesses a profile distinct from that of opiods or anti-inflammatory drugs. Previous evidence suggested a central action of nefopam but the detailed mechanisms remain unclear. Here we have used cultured cerebellar neurons to test the

Nefopam, an analogue of orphenadrine, protects against both NMDA receptor-dependent and independent veratridine-induced neurotoxicity.

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Nefopam hyghochloride is a potent analgesic compound commercialized in most Western Europe for 20 years, which possesses a profile distinct from that of opioids or anti-inflammatory drugs. Previous evidence suggested a central action of nefopam but the detailed mechanisms remain unclear. While,

Leptin modifies the prosecretory and prokinetic effects of the inflammatory cytokine interleukin-6 on colonic function in Sprague-Dawley rats.

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What is the central question of this study? Does crosstalk exist between leptin and interleukin-6 in colonic enteric neurons, and is this a contributory factor in gastrointestinal dysfunction associated with irritable bowel syndrome? What is the main finding and its importance? Leptin ameliorates

Microdialysis of excitatory amino acids in the periaqueductal gray of the rat after unilateral peripheral inflammation.

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This study measured the release of glutamate (Glu) and aspartate (Asp) amino acid transmitters in the ventrocaudal compartment of the rat periaqueductal gray (PAG) following exposure to unilateral peripheral inflammation. The release of endogenous Glu and Asp from the rat ventrocaudal PAG was

The relationship between inflammation-induced neuronal excitability and disrupted motor activity in the guinea pig distal colon.

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BACKGROUND Colitis is associated with increased excitability of afterhyperpolarization neurons (AH neurons) and facilitated synaptic transmission in the myenteric plexus. These changes are accompanied by disrupted propulsive motility, particularly in ulcerated regions. This study examined the

Inflammation-induced changes in primary afferent-evoked release of substance P within trigeminal ganglia in vivo.

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Substance P (SP) is synthesized in a subset of nociceptive sensory neurons and is released from their peripheral and central terminals. Here we demonstrate with the use of in vivo microdialysis and radioimmunoassay techniques that SP is also released within trigeminal ganglia following

ITH14001, a CGP37157-Nimodipine Hybrid Designed to Regulate Calcium Homeostasis and Oxidative Stress, Exerts Neuroprotection in Cerebral Ischemia.

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During brain ischemia, oxygen and glucose deprivation induces calcium overload, extensive oxidative stress, neuroinflammation, and, finally, massive neuronal loss. In the search of a neuroprotective compound to mitigate this neuronal loss, we have designed and synthesized a new multitarget hybrid

Reflex regulation of the circulation after stimulation of cardiac receptors by prostaglandins.

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Prostaglandins (PGs) are potent vasoactive substances that may participate in the control of coronary blood flow, platelet aggregation, and inflammation. An important action of PGs may be the stimulation of c fibers in general and vagal cardiac c fibers in particular. The Bezold-Jarisch reflex after

Mouse DRG Cell Line with Properties of Nociceptors.

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In vitro cell lines from DRG neurons aid drug discovery because they can be used for early stage, high-throughput screens for drugs targeting pain pathways, with minimal dependence on animals. We have established a conditionally immortal DRG cell line from the Immortomouse. Using

The bradykinin-induced release of substance P from nerve fibre endings in the rat saphenous nerve neuroma is not related to electrophysiological excitation.

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It has previously been shown that electrical stimulation of a peripheral nerve induces a release of substance P (SP) from cutaneous nerve terminals. In this study, we investigate whether SP is released from nerve fibre endings in experimentally induced rat saphenous nerve neuromas. The neuromas were

An electrophysiological model of spinal transmission deficits in mouse experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis.

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Chronic relapsing/remitting experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) can be induced in 8-week-old female SJL/J(H-2) mice via inoculation with the p139-151 peptide of myelin proteolipid protein (PLP), Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MT), complete Freund's adjuvant (CFA), and Bordatella pertussis.

Ileitis alters neuronal and enteroendocrine signalling in guinea pig distal colon.

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OBJECTIVE Intestinal inflammation alters neuronal and enteroendocrine signalling, leading to functional adaptations in the inflamed bowel. Human studies have reported functional alterations at sites distant from active inflammation. Our aims were to determine whether neuronal and enteroendocrine

Inhibition of toll-like receptor-4, nuclear factor-kappaB and mitogen-activated protein kinase by lignocaine may involve voltage-sensitive sodium channels.

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We have shown previously that lignocaine inhibits the upregulation of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), a crucial factor that initiates the systemic inflammatory response during sepsis, possibly through voltage-sensitive sodium channels (VSSC). Toll-like receptor-4 (TLR-4), nuclear factor
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