Can cecal diverticulitis be differentiated from acute appendicitis?
Cecal diverticulitis is a rare disease entity, the diagnosis of which remains a difficult problem. The clinical picture of cecal diverticulitis is almost indistinguishable from acute appendicitis. We reviewed 11 cases of pathologically documented cecal diverticulitis who underwent treatment from May 1981 to April 1992. They were diagnosed incorrectly as acute appendicitis, ruptured appendicitis or appendiceal abscess prior to operative intervention. Thirty patients diagnosed correctly with acute appendicitis from March 1992 to April 1992 were included for a comparative study. We found that cecal diverticulitis presented with a longer duration of symptoms, initial pain over the right lower quadrant of the abdomen, older age, less migration of pain, nausea, vomiting, fever and leukocytosis, and an incidence of Alvarado's score > or = 7 than acute appendicitis.