Pancytopenia in tuberous sclerosis.
A 46-year-old woman with edema and pancytopenia was referred for further evaluation. She was diagnosed as tuberous sclerosis with clinical manifestations such as facial adenoma sebaceous, ungual and periungual fibroma, subependymal nodules and renal angiomyolipoma. Her edema seemed due to hypercardiac function induced by massive anemia. X-ray revealed extraordinary thickening of the cortex of long bones of the extremities as well as patchy osteosclerotic findings in vertebra, suggesting that hematopoietic space was significantly reduced. Pancytopenia improved after splenectomy. Histological examination revealed several intrasplenic hemangiomas but its relationship to hypersplenism was not clear. It seemed that her massive pancytopenia was induced by a combination of hypersplenism and significant reduction in hematopoetic space. In tuberous sclerosis, various systemic complications sometimes induce severe hematological abnormalities. According to previous literatures, the present case of tuberous sclerosis manifested the most outstanding hematological complications.