[Pharmacological correction of traumatic brain edema].
Experiments on rats were made to study the action of the derivatives of benzodiazepine (diazepam, 0.5 mg/kg and phenazepam, 0.1 mg/kg), and GABA (phenibut, 50 mg/kg, pantogam, 160 mg/kg, nicotinoyl-GABA, 500 mg/kg, piracetam, 1000 mg/kg) on the development of a traumatic brain edema. Diazepam, phenazepam and phenibut were demonstrated to produce a marked antiedematous action. The drugs made water content in the brain return to normal and reduced marked biochemical alterations in the brain. It is suggested that the protective action of the drug under study on the development of brain edema is linked with the action on the mediator structures and brain tissue metabolism.