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field/dl prolina

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The Distribution of Free Amino Acids, Especially of Proline, in the Organs of Field Bean Plants, Vicia faba L., during Development in the Field.

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Concentrations of free and bound proline and total free amino acidswere measured in the organs of field bean (cv. Minica), grown under field conditions. The very young seeds of 95-day-old plants had a very high content of more than 1mg free proline per gram fresh weight. The free proline content of

Frontal eye field efferents in the macaque monkey: I. Subcortical pathways and topography of striatal and thalamic terminal fields.

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Anterograde tracers (tritiated leucine, proline, fucose; WGA-HRP) were injected into sites within the frontal eye fields (FEF) of nine macaque monkeys. Low thresholds (less than or equal to 50 microA) for electrically evoking saccadic eye movements were used to locate injection sites in four

Parameterization of the ReaxFF reactive force field for a proline-catalyzed aldol reaction.

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A parameterization of the ReaxFF reactive FF is performed using a Monte Carlo Simulated Annealing procedure for the modeling of a proline-catalyzed aldol reaction. Emphasis is put on the accurate reproduction of the relative stabilities of several key intermediates of the reaction, as well as, on

Solvation Induced Ring Puckering Effect in Fluorinated Prolines and Its Inclusion in Classical Force Fields

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Strategic incorporation of fluorinated prolines can accelerate folding and increase thermal stability of proteins. It has been suggested that this behavior emerges from puckering effects induced by fluorination of the proline ring. We use electronic structure calculations to characterize the

Advantages of cocrystallization in the field of solid-state pharmaceutical chemistry: L-Proline and MnCl(2).

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Cocrystallization (formation of a "cocrystal") is an emerging method to optimize physico-chemical properties of pharmaceutically active compounds. One elegant technique used to obtain such cocrystals is grinding the components together, either alone or in the presence of a small amount of solvent

Frequency dependence of electric field modulation of fibroblast protein synthesis.

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The effect of electric current on protein biosynthesis in mammalian fibroblasts was investigated with neonatal bovine fibroblast-populated collagen matrices. The field strength dependence of electric field modulation of proline incorporation into extracellular and intracellular protein was measured

Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis for genomic analysis of Neisseria gonorrhoeae.

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Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) is a technique for analyzing large DNA fragments. PFGE was compared to auxotyping and Por serovar (A/S) classification to determine its utility in the study of gonococcal infection, subtyping A/S classes, and clone identification. PFGE patterns were stable in

The visual claustrum of the cat. II. The visual field map.

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Physiological and anatomical methods were used to study the representation of the visual field in the cat's dorsocaudal claustrum. In one set of experiments, the visual receptive fields of claustral neurons were plotted in multiple electrode penetrations. In another set of experiments, the

Effect of static magnetic fields on osteoblasts and fibroblasts in vitro.

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In vitro assays were made of the effect of a static magnetic field of a neodymium magnet on cellular behavior. The cell turnover rate was examined by the incorporation of radioactive thymidine, and anabolic processes were measured by the incorporation of radioactive proline. Cell cultures of

Pulsed electromagnetic fields stimulate nerve regeneration in vitro and in vivo.

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The influence of non-invasive, low level, pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF) on regeneration was tested on in vitro and in vivo models. Cultures of dorsal root ganglia were exposed to 2 Hz PEMF, amplitude of 0.05 mTesla while rats after a 'crush' lesion of sciatic nerves were exposed to 2 Hz PEMF,

Binding preference of carbon nanotube over proline-rich motif ligand on SH3-domain: a comparison with different force fields.

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With the widespread applications of nanomaterials such as carbon nanotubes, there is a growing concern on the biosafety of these engineered nanoparticles, in particular their interactions with proteins. In molecular simulations of nanoparticle-protein interactions, the choice of empirical parameters
A combination of DNA macrorestriction analysis using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and a serotyping method using three panels of monoclonal antibody was used to discriminate 43 epidemiologically unrelated Neisseria gonorrhoeae isolates requiring proline, citrulline, and uracil (PCU-) into 35

Saline water irrigation effects on antioxidant defense system and proline accumulation in leaves and roots of field-grown olive.

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Field-grown olive trees (Olea europaea L. cv. Chemlali) were used over two growing seasons to determine the effects of different saline water irrigation levels on levels of proline and chlorophyll contents and activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), polyphenol oxidase (PPO), ascorbate peroxidase

The effect of salinity on chlorophyll, proline and mineral nutrients in common weeds of coastal rice fields in Malaysia.

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Six weed species (Leptochola chinensis, Echinochloa crus-galli, Echinochloa colona, Jussiaea linifolia, Oryza sativa (weedy rice) and Cyperus iria) were tested for their salt tolerant traits in terms of chlorophyll, proline and mineral nutrients accumulation against different salinity levels (0, 4,

Cell phone electromagnetic field radiations affect rhizogenesis through impairment of biochemical processes.

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Indiscriminate adoption and use of cell phone technology has tremendously increased the levels of electromagnetic field radiations (EMFr) in the natural environment. It has raised the concerns among the scientists regarding the possible risks of EMFr to living organisms. However, not much has been
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