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Mood alterations, particularly depression, are defined by the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) as "multi-factorial unpleasant emotional experiences of psychological (cognitive, behavioral, emotional), social and/or spiritual nature that may interfere with the ability to cope
In Ante- and post-natal care, low adherence to recommended health and nutrition strategies during the critical 1,000 day-window of opportunity is multifactorial, but low-quality communication is key limitation. Innovative strategies to improve interpersonal communication can reduce the burden and
Within this definition, patients can further be defined as having silent, potential, or latent celiac disease. The term silent celiac disease refers to patients fulfilling the definition above, but presenting no symptoms. Typically, such diagnoses are made by screening asymptomatic individuals, who
Study design Observational prospective study
The subjects Number of subjects 200 subjects: Average value CRP: group 1: 55; group 2: 84 Average standard deviation: 70.52 Power 80%: 158 deelnemers Power 90%: 202 deelnemers alpha = 0.05 2-sample T-test.
Inclusion criteria
Acute inflammation is defined
Atrial fibrillation is the most frequent chronic arrhythmia with an increasing prevalence in developed and developing countries. Estimated number of individuals living with chronic atrial fibrillation is 33 million globally. In developed and developing countries, the number of elderly individuals
Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is a common neurological disease significantly impacting live quality. Two recent studies from North America and Japan revealed a surprisingly high prevalence for RLS in Crohn´s disease and ulcerative colitis (30% and 21%, respectively). The underlying cause for this
Hypothesis to be tested:
This integrated intervention will a) improve children's growth, hemoglobin, micro-nutrient status (vitamin B12 and folic acid), cognitive, motor, language and social-emotional development, b) minimize maltreatment of children by parents, c) improve positive parenting and d)
Prior to the study each volunteer will undergo screening procedure (Health Screening Questionnaire) for compliance with the inclusion/exclusion criteria. The volunteers who meet those criteria will be invited to sign an informed consent. Following this the volunteers will be asked to complete:
Arterial Blood Pressure (ABP) is a complex physiological variable in regard to its measure, behavior between BP taken in the same visit at the office and between these and ABPM, chronobiology (different day time BP levels), evolution in time,
Rationale Iron deficiency is the most common form of malnutrition globally. In India, nearly 70% of women are estimated to be iron deficient. Iron deficiency anemia (IDA, Hb <12gm/dl) is a very late manifestation of iron deficiency. IDA is a consequence of decreased iron intake, increased iron loss
SLE is a chronic systemic autoimmune and inflammatory disease. Approximately 65% of patients develop SLE between 16 and 55 years of age, and it is 8-10 times more common in women. Overall prevalence is estimated at 40-50 per 100,000 individuals in the US. SLE typically includes periods of remission