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Compounds with anti-angiogenic properties are useful in combating cancer by preventing new blood vessel formation to support the tumor. In this report we introduce a rapid method for screening potential anti-angiogenic compounds in a model system that stimulates the production of secondary defense
Tylko zarejestrowani użytkownicy mogą tłumaczyć artykuły
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A method using (1)H NMR spectroscopy has been developed to quantify simultaneously thirteen analytes in honeys without previous separation or pre-concentration steps. The method has been successfully applied to determine carboxylic acids (acetic, formic, lactic, malic and succinic acids), amino
Tylko zarejestrowani użytkownicy mogą tłumaczyć artykuły
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Culinary herbs and spices are widely used as a traditional medicine in the treatment of diabetes and its complications, and there are several scientific studies in the literature supporting the use of these medicinal plants. However, there is often a lack of knowledge on the bioactive compounds of
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