[Congenital bilateral dacryocystitis and craniofacial dysraphia].
It is presented the observation of a child of 8 years old having a bilateral congenital dacryocyst by the absence of the lacrimonasal duct and multiple facial malformations are: telorbitismus, frontal meningocele, some lesions determined by a craniofacial dehiscence (fissura 2-12) with paramedian dysraphia. The affection has been produced by a disturbance of embryogenesis that occurred during the V-VI intrauterine development weeks, by metrorrhagias and repeated hypoxia that determined a disturbance at the level of the welding frontal buds with meningocele, of the olfactive guttier and the mass of the ethmoid with telorbitism and arthresia of the lacrimal duct.