[Fatal pulmonary leukoagglutination after administration of fresh frozen plasma].
A case is reported of a 73 year old female patient who died during surgery for enlarged nephrectomy as a result of a massive non-cardiogenic pulmonary oedema. She had been given 2 red cell concentrates (450 g) and 3 fresh frozen plasma units (900 g). A postmortem examination did not reveal any pulmonary embolus, acute myocardial infarct, haemorrhage or cardiac tamponade. Further tests on the sera of the 5 plasma donors revealed a neutrophil-specific anti-NA2 antibody. Alveolar leukostasis was confirmed on the postmortem lung slices. This type of transfusion accident occurs for about 1 in 5,000 units transfused, fortunately not all as serious. This case confirms once more that fresh frozen plasma is not the ideal treatment for acute hypovolaemia, 4% human albumin being safer.