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Mesophyll cells and bundle sheath strands were isolated rapidly from leaves of the C(4) species Digitaria pentzii Stent. (slenderstem digitgrass) by a chopping and differential filtration technique. Rates of CO(2) fixation in the light by mesophyll and bundle sheath cells without added exogenous
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The promotion and enrichment of underutilized cereal based foods with legumes and oilseeds are receiving considerable attention in order to reduce the menace of protein and micronutrients malnutrition. This research therefore investigated the quality of flour produced from fonio (Digitaria
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The focus of this article is the traditional and technological uses of two tropical cereal grains: Digitaria exilis (acha) and D. iburua (iburu); with emphasis on their carbohydrate and protein components. Some useful attributes of the grains emanating from present knowledge are discussed. The major
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