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Nandina domestica is grown as an ornamental plant in the United States but has also been reported as an invasive plant in a number of states. Parts of the plant, particularly the berries, contain cyanogenic glycosides that convert to hydrogen cyanide when ingested. This investigation characterized
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Cyanide is notoriously known to the public for more than a century now as a weapon of mass destruction (Zyklon B gas - hydrogen cyanide used by Nazis), an agent for chemical warfare during World War I (hydrogen cyanide) and very infamous "Suicide Pill" used in the past by military and
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Amygdalin is commonly distributed in plants of the Rosaceae, such as peach, plum, loquat, apple and bayberry, but most notably in the seeds (kernels) of apricot almonds. As a naturally aromatic cyanogenic compound, it has long been used in Asia, Europe and other regions for the
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