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We report a 4-year-old Caucasian girl with congenital skin lesions consisting of hyperpigmented macules that were bilateral and roughly symmetrical, covered with terminal hair and located on the scapular regions, shoulders, and arms. A cutaneous biopsy specimen showed the histologic pattern of
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Melasma is an acquired hyperpigmentation, often involving the face, and a source of distress for the affected individuals. Although treatment is challenging and frequently a multimodality approach, topical applications are the mainstay of therapy.Due to the
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Becker melanosis (Becker's Nevus) [BM] is a form of acquired hyperpigmentation. S. William Becker first described the condition in 1949, in two reported cases, as "concurrent melanosis and hypertrichosis in the distribution of nevus unius lateris."
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Becker's melanosis is an uncommon condition characterized by hypertrichosis, hyperpigmentation of the epidermis, dermal melanophages and absence of nevus cells. Ultrastructural examination of such a melanotic lesion from a young white man revealed giant melanosomes. In addition, normal-sized
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Becker melanosis, also known as Becker nevus, is a relatively common cutaneous hamartoma. The condition is classically characterized by a unilateral, hyperpigmented patch with varying degrees of hypertrichosis on a peripubertal individual. As Becker nevi are generally singular in a given individual,
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Becker melanosis is a dermatosis characterized by hyperpigmentation and hypertrichosis in absence of cells nevus; its frequency is unknown an its presentation is rare in the infancy; appearance usually during puberty. In the last years its association to anomalies of development increase the
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Becker's melanosis is a relatively common, benign hamartoma, which is usually characterized by a hyperpigmented, hypertrichotic patch on the upper trunk or proximal upper extremities of males, with its onset during the peripubertal years. Commonly, there is an associated smooth muscle hamartoma on
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Kligman's triple combination formula has been one of the most popular treatment options in melasma over the last three decades. The original Kligman's formula has been modified in many ways over the years and the most recent modification that has been introduced is a triple combination of
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