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Using clinical data to predict sleep hypoxemia in patients with acromegaly.

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Hypoxemia secondary to sleep apnea is commonly seen in patients with acromegaly, and this alteration apparently leads to considerable morbidity and mortality among such patients. With the objective of identifying hypoxemia based on clinical data, we conducted a cross-sectional study of 34 patients

Hypoxemia and pulmonary function in acromegaly.

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Pulmonary function was assessed in 11 patients with acromegaly, 8 of whom were previously treated by external pituitary irradiation. None of the patients had any overt respiratory ailment. Ventilatory function tests were normal in all patients and all had normal total lung capacity ranging from 75

Craniofacial abnormalities, obesity, and hormonal alterations have similar effects in magnitude on the development of nocturnal hypoxemia in patients with acromegaly.

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BACKGROUND In patients with acromegaly, sleep apnea-related hypoxemia results in considerable morbidity and mortality. OBJECTIVE To evaluate the relative weight of pathogenic factors in predicting such hypoxemia. METHODS In this cross-sectional study, 34 acromegaly patients were submitted to

High levels of IGF-1 predict difficult intubation of patients with acromegaly.

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OBJECTIVE To investigate the characteristics of difficult intubation and identify novel efficient predictors in patients with acromegaly. METHODS Patients with either untreated acromegaly or non-functional pituitary adenomas were enrolled. Patients with acromegaly underwent hormone assays, upper

Evaluation of the pharyngeal airway using computational fluid dynamics in patients with acromegaly.

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UNASSIGNED Perioperative airway management may be particularly challenging in patients with acromegaly undergoing trans-sphenoidal pituitary surgery (TSS). Management for airway obstruction is required prior to pituitary surgery to minimize perioperative hypoxia. The purpose of this retrospective

Sleep apnea in acromegaly.

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In patients with acromegaly obstruction of the upper airway may develop due to enlargement of the tongue and thickening of the tissues of the larynx. The sleep apnea syndrome may develop in patients with upper airway obstruction from other causes. We studied a somnolent patient with acromegaly in

Respiratory muscle function and control of breathing in patients with acromegaly.

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Increase in lung size has been described in acromegalic patients, but data on respiratory muscle function and control of breathing are relatively scarce. Lung volumes, arterial blood gas tensions, and respiratory muscle strength and activation during chemical stimulation were investigated in a group

Sleep apnoea in acromegaly--prevalence, pathogenesis and therapy. Report on two cases.

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It has long been known, that irregular, heavy snoring and daytime sleepiness are common features of acromegaly. Only recently has the high incidence (30-60%) and clinical relevance of the sleep apnoea underlying these symptoms been recognized. Both diseases have a group of common symptoms and

Central sleep apnea is associated with increased ventilatory response to carbon dioxide and hypersecretion of growth hormone in patients with acromegaly.

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Although obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) occurs commonly in acromegaly, we have recently reported an unexpectedly high prevalence of central sleep apnea (CSA) in these patients. Acromegalic patients with CSA have increased growth hormone (GH) and insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) levels compared

Prevalence of lung structure abnormalities in patients with acromegaly and their relationship with gas exchange: cross-sectional analytical study with a control group.

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OBJECTIVE Different functional respiratory alterations have been described in acromegaly, but their relationship with pulmonary tissue abnormalities is unknown. The objective of this study was to observe possible changes in lung structure and explain their relationship with gas exchange

Cardiovascular pathology in acromegaly and some effects of the 90 yttrium implant in the hypophysis.

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Examination of the cardiovascular apparatus (cv) of 25 acromegalic patients revealed an increased incidence of cardiovascular pathology as against normal individuals. Acromegalic patients with arterial hypertension (AH) show a twice higher incidence of ischemic cardiopathy, cardiomegaly with obvious

Prevalence and pathogenesis of sleep apnea and lung disease in acromegaly.

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Respiratory disorders are common and important complications in acromegaly. Patients suffering from acromegaly display a 1.6-3.3 fold increase in mortality rate, which is due to respiratory disorders in 25% of cases. In these patients, mortality for lung disease is 2-3 fold higher than in the

Lung function and blood gas abnormalities in patients with acromegaly.

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Respiratory disorders are common complications of acromegaly patients. We conducted a large-scale survey in the patients with acromegaly and demonstrated the characteristics of their lung function and blood gas.A prospective cohort study was conducted with

Airway problems caused by hypogonadism in male patients undergoing neurosurgery.

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Unanticipated difficult endotracheal intubations can pose challenges for the anesthesiologist. Risks include airway injury, hypoxemia, and death. There is intubation difficulty in various conditions including Downs syndrome, achondroplasia, acromegaly, and dwarfism. We describe difficulty in

Sleep apnea syndrome: A report of 20 Saudi patients.

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Patients with sleep apnea syndrome (SAS) suffer considerable morbidity and increased mortality. The most common symptoms of SAS include excessive daytime sleepiness, nocturnal breath cessation, snoring and gasping sounds. We reviewed the characteristics of 20 Saudi patients with sleep apnea (15
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