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carbonic anhydrase/эпилептический припадок

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Glial contribution to seizure: carbonic anhydrase activity in epileptic mammalian brain.

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The activity of carbonic anhydrase (CA), a glial enzyme, was measured in the epileptic cortex of audiogenic DBA/2 mice and of cats with a freeze lesion. In mice, the activity increased with age from birth to 24 days, but were always higher in audiogenic mice than in normal C57/BL mice, reflecting

Correlation between effects of acute acetazolamide administration to mice on electroshock seizure threshold and maximal electroshock seizure pattern, and on carbonic anhydrase activity in subcellular fractions of brain.

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The relationships between inhibition of carbonic anhydrase (CA) activity in cytoplasmic, microsomal, and myelin subcellular fractions obtained from cerebral cortex, subcortex, and cerebellum and electroshock seizure threshold (EST) and modification of the extension/flexion (E/F) ratio following

Pharmacological inhibition of brain carbonic anhydrase protects against 4-aminopyridine seizures.

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The effects of the inhibition of carbonic anhydrase on the manifestation of tonic-clonic seizures were investigated in freely-moving rats. 4-Aminopyridine, a specific blocker of the neuronal K+ channels was used to produce generalized convulsions. After pretreatment of adult male rats with 20 or 40

Developmental changes in seizure susceptibility in carbonic anhydrase II-deficient mice and normal littermates.

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Mice deficient in carbonic anhydrase II (CA II) were tested along with their normal littermates for susceptibility to seizures induced by flurothyl and loud sound at ages 10-180 days. In the flurothyl seizure model, CA II-deficient mice displayed increased resistance to clonic seizures from 32 to 90

Reduced susceptibility to seizures in carbonic anhydrase II deficient mutant mice.

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The seizure susceptibility of carbonic anhydrase II (CA) deficient mice and their normal littermates was determined and compared. In flurothyl-induced seizures, CA deficient mice displayed longer latencies to the onset of both clonic and tonic-clonic seizures. In pentylenetetrazole-induced seizures

Increased susceptibility of brain slices from carbonic anhydrase II-deficient mice to low [Mg2+]O-induced seizures.

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Brain pH is thought to be an influential factor in determining susceptibility to seizures. We compared the susceptibility of brain slices from carbonic anhydrase II (CA II)-deficient mice to epileptiform activity induced by low extracellular [Mg2+], with slices from normal littermates, both bathed

Neuronal carbonic anhydrase VII provides GABAergic excitatory drive to exacerbate febrile seizures.

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Brain carbonic anhydrases (CAs) are known to modulate neuronal signalling. Using a novel CA VII (Car7) knockout (KO) mouse as well as a CA II (Car2) KO and a CA II/VII double KO, we show that mature hippocampal pyramidal neurons are endowed with two cytosolic isoforms. CA VII is predominantly

Development of seizure patterns in newborn animals; significance of brain carbonic anhydrase.

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Localization of carbonic anhydrase in the cerebrum and cerebellum of normal and audiogenic seizure mice.

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Seizure patterns in young animals; significance of brain carbonic anhydrase. II.

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Reduced anesthetization during the intracarotid amobarbital (Wada) test in patients taking carbonic anhydrase-inhibiting medications.

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OBJECTIVE Failure to show adequate anesthetization during the intracarotid amobarbital procedure (IAP or "Wada test") is a rare complication. After an unusually high rate of recent anesthetization failures, we sought to determine the frequency of reduced anesthetization and any common factors

Mechanisms of tolerance to the anticonvulsant effects of acetazolamide in mice: relation to the activity and amount of carbonic anhydrase in brain.

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The mechanism by which tolerance develops to the anticonvulsant effects of acetazolamide (AZM) was investigated in Swiss-Webster mice. The effects of single and six daily doses of 40 mg or 200 mg/kg AZM on electroshock seizure threshold (EST), maximal electroshock (MES) seizure pattern, and on the

Role of glial cation and anion transport mechanisms in etiology and arrest of seizures.

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The intrinsic processes involved in the initiation and arrest of seizures are not completely understood. Cortical and cerebellar inhibitory mechanisms, accumulation of metabolic products, and glial uptake of extracellular potassium (K+o), anions, and released neurotransmitters are all important

Increased levels of carbonic anhydrase II in the developing Down syndrome brain.

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By using a proteomic approach, we found increased levels of carbonic anhydrase II (CA II) in the brain of Ts65Dn mice, a mouse model for Down syndrome (DS). Further immunoblot analyses showed that the levels of CA II are increased not only in the brain of adult Ts65Dn mice but also in the brain of

Novel homozygous variant of carbonic anhydrase 8 gene expanding the phenotype of cerebellar ataxia, mental retardation, and disequilibrium syndrome subtype 3

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We report the case of an 11-year-old Syrian girl born to consanguineous parents, who presents an ataxic gait from early childhood. On clinical examination, she presented a severe static - kinetic cerebellar syndrome, walking without support is possible for short distances only. Strikingly, three
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