3 полученные результаты
A 7-year-old patient is reported with a 46,XY karyotype, ambiguous genitalia and unilateral amelia and unilateral peromelia of the upper limbs. The external genitalia had essentially a female configuration with labia majora, large clitoris, and narrow vaginal opening. Gonadal tissue was not palpable
The purpose of our study was to determine the incidence and type of malformations associated with tetralogy of Fallot (TF). Among 133 patients followed up for 12 years, 30 who had either complete TF (n = 26) or pulmonary atresia and interventricular septal defect (n = 4) presented with another,
A colony of mice suffering from dominant hemimelia associated with agenesis of the spleen has been developed and characterized during the past 7 years. The hereditarily asplenic (Dh/+) mice have a very low incidence (9%) of spontaneous mammary tumors (SMT). Asplenic (Dh/+) females were mated with