4 полученные результаты
We encountered a young woman with severe central sleep apnea caused by a medullary glioma located slightly dorsal to and to the right of the midline, a region not generally associated with CO(2) chemosensitivity. The patient had normal spirometric readings, lung volumes, diffusing capacity, maximal
Whorling-Sclerosing variant of meningioma (WSM) is a very rare variant of meningioma and only 28 cases were previously reported in the English medical literature. The term "whorling" describes different morphological features including psammoma bodies formed by precipitated calcium or by layered
Meningioma is a hormone-related intracranial tumor. Brain tumor samples were collected from 32 Chinese patients, 20 of whom had meningiomas. Estrogen receptors were present in 6 of 17 meningiomas, 1 hemangioblastoma, 1 gemistocytic astrocytoma, and 1 neurilemoma. Of the 26 samples assayed for
The administration of cyproterone acetate (CPA) and estradiol is a common regimen used by male-to-female transsexuals (transwoman) to adjust their body to their gender identity. Major adverse events are uncommon in these subjects in spite of long-term, high dose cross-sex steroid treatments. We