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In mice, nicotine produces dose-dependent mydriasis following interperitoneal or intracerebroventicular administration but not after local application through the conjunctival sac. Since mydriasis is not prevented by cervical sympathectomy, it is likely to be due to central inhibition of the
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Nicotine poisoning is a rarely reported toxicosis. The clinical signs and symptoms are complex and are mostly of central nervous system derangement. In addition, animals may have hypersalivation, vomiting, diarrhea, tachycardia, tachypnea, hypertension and hyperthermia. Some animals are presented in
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We present two cases of rare human poisoning in one family following ingestion of cooked leaves from the tobacco tree plant, Nicotiana glauca. The toxic principle of N. glauca, anabasine (C10H14N2), is a small pyridine alkaloid, similar in both structure and effects to nicotine, but appears to be
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The alpha3 subunit of the neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptor is widely expressed in autonomic ganglia and in some parts of the brain. The alpha3 subunit can form heteromultimeric ion channels with other alpha subunits and with beta2 and beta4 subunits, but its function in vivo is poorly
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Introduction: cerebrovascular accident (stroke) constitutes a major public health problem due to the number of people affected and to its medical social and economic consequences. This study aims to identify poor vital prognostic factors
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Pempidine (1:2:2:6:6-pentamethylpiperidine) is a long-acting ganglion-blocking compound which is effective by mouth. By intravenous injection it has a similar potency to hexamethonium on the preganglionically stimulated nictitating membrane of the cat. The compound blocks the effects of intravenous
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The plant Cannabis sativa has been used for centuries for the effects of its psychoactive resins. The term "marijuana" typically refers to tobacco-like preparations of the leaves and flowers. The plant contains more than 400 chemicals but the cannabinoid δ-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the major
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General pharmacological properties of carvedilol (BM 14.190) were investigated in comparison with propranolol. 1. Central nervous system: Carvedilol caused reduction of awareness, motor activity and muscle tone, and staggering gait in Irwin's test (mice). It decreased spontaneous motor activity and
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Imidacloprid [1-(6-chloro-3-pyridylmethyl)-N-nitroimidazolidin-2-ylideneamine, CAS 138261-41-3] belongs to a relatively new class of insecticidal chemistry, the chloronicotinyl neonicotinoid compounds. Animal studies indicate relatively low toxicity to mammals. Despite wide usage in some countries,
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