Haitian Creole

placental insufficiency/phosphatase

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Extreme elevation of placental alkaline phosphatase as a marker of preterm delivery, placental insufficiency and low birth weight.

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OBJECTIVE Clinical case of extremely elevated levels of alkaline phosphatase (ALP) enzyme detected in the 3rd trimester of gestation, the diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, delivery and puerperium are presented. The paper also offers a review of the currently available bibliographical data of

Correlation between serum alkaline phosphatase and placental insufficiency.

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[Activity of serum thermostable alkaline phosphatase in chronic placental insufficiency].

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Growth retardation alters the epigenetic characteristics of hepatic dual specificity phosphatase 5.

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Uteroplacental insufficiency leads to intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) and adult onset insulin resistance in both humans and rats. IUGR rat liver is characterized by persistent changes in histone 3 lysine 9 and lysine 14 acetylation, which may induce postnatal changes in gene expression. We

Placental alkaline phosphatase compared with human placental lactogen and oestriol in high-risk pregnancies.

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Serum levels of placental alkaline phosphatase (PLAP), human placental lactogen (HPL) and oestriol (E3) were investigated in 33 women with high-risk pregnancies. In pregnancies complicated by intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) low PLAP values were constantly recorded. HPL values showed a similar

Comparative prognostic value of serum placental and tissue oxytocinase, alkaline phosphatase and its heat-stable fraction in pregnancy at neuroendocrinological risk.

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Serum enzyme determinations are now well-established diagnostic tools in so-called "placental insufficiency". A good predictability of oxytocinases (P-CAP-placental oxytocinase and T-CAP-tissue oxytocinase) and a doubtful one of those of phosphatases (AP-alkaline phosphatase, HSAP-heat stable

Maternal serum heat-stable alkaline phosphatase. In normal and high-risk pregnancies.

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To evaluate its specificity as an indicator of placental function or fetal status, maternal serum heat-stable alkaline phosphatase (HSAP) was measured serially in 76 normal and 161 high-risk pregnancies (1272 determinations). The previously reported curvilinear HSAP rise starting at about 28

Acid- and alkaline phosphatase in amniotic fluid in normal and complicated pregnancy.

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171 samples of amniotic fluid were obtained by abdominal amniocentesis from 67 women with complicated pregnancies (isoimmunization, diabetes mellitus or toxaemia). The levels of heat-labile alkaline phosphatase (HLAP), heat-stable alkaline phosphatase (HSAP) and acid phosphatase (AcP) were

Dual specificity phosphatase 9 (DUSP9) expression is down-regulated in the severe pre-eclamptic placenta.

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OBJECTIVE Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) and pre-eclampsia are severe and clinically important manifestations of placental insufficiency. In the mouse, dual specificity phosphatase 9 (DUSP9) is critical to the normal development of the placenta, where knock-outs are growth restricted and

Does an abnormally elevated maternal alkaline phosphatase pose problems for the fetus?

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We report a potential association between an abnormally raised pregnancy level of alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR). There are few reports of women with abnormally high ALP during pregnancy. However, there is work to suggest an association with placental

Extreme elevations of alkaline phosphatase in pregnancy: A case report

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Background: The normal serum concentration of alkaline phosphatase (ALP) in adults over the age of 18 ranges from 37 to 116 U/L, while in pregnant women levels of up to twice that upper limit can still be normal. There have been very few reports of extreme

Reference interval of serum heat-stable alkaline phosphatase activity in pregnant women in Zaria.

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The study was designed to establish a reference interval for serum heat-stable ALP activity in pregnancy, which is not available in this environment. METHODS One hundred (100) apparently healthy pregnant women in their third (3rd) trimester who were attending the antenatal clinic (ANC) of Ahmadu

[An analysis of the correlation between the indices of uterine-placental blood flow and the blood enzymes in pregnant women with high perinatal risk].

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The purpose of the present study was to analyse correlation interactions between parameters of uterine-placental blood flow (UPF) and some enzymes of blood of 77 pregnant women with high risk of perinatal pathology, divided into 4 groups. Eleven correlation connections between parameters of blood

Ultrasound and biochemical findings in intrauterine growth retardation.

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An attempt was made to make an early diagnosis of intrauterine growth retardation due to chronic placental insufficiency using ultrasound cephalometry and biochemical tests of placental function. We examined 83 hospitalised patients in whom there was a risk or suspicion of chronic placental

[Biochemical changes in the placenta of white rats treated with basfungin].

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The author carried out experiments on white rats and discussed the role of the placental insufficiency in the perinatal pathology under the action of fungicide basfugine. After administration of the preparation singly at the critical 13th day of embriogenesis and repeatedly during the course of the
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