Haitian Creole

rubidium/кариес зубов

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Cavity-enhanced frequency up-conversion in rubidium vapor.

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We report the first use of a ring cavity to both enhance the output power and dramatically narrow the linewidth (<1 MHz) of blue light generated by four-wave mixing in a rubidium vapor cell. We find that the high output power available in our cavity-free system leads to power broadening of the

Optics integrated compact cavity for rubidium atomic frequency standards.

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A compact magnetron cavity having integrated optics is designed and realized for a rubidium atomic clock that is being developed for the Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System. This cavity comprises a cylindrical dielectric cell with 25 mm diameter and 25 mm height. The cavity is designed to

Compact microwave cavity for high performance rubidium frequency standards.

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The design, realization, and characterization of a compact magnetron-type microwave cavity operating with a TE(011)-like mode are presented. The resonator works at the rubidium hyperfine ground-state frequency (i.e., 6.835 GHz) by accommodating a glass cell of 25 mm diameter containing rubidium

Frequency locking of tunable diode lasers to a rubidium-stabilized ring-cavity resonator.

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We demonstrate a technique for locking the frequency of a tunable diode laser to a ring-cavity resonator. The resonator is stabilized to a diode laser that is in turn locked to an atomic transition in rubidium, thus giving it absolute frequency calibration. The principal advantage of the ring-cavity

[The role of indium, gallium, molybdenum, rubidium and circonium in the prevention of experimental caries in rats].

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Continuously tunable narrow-band operation of an injection-seeded ring-cavity optical parametric oscillator: spectroscopic applications.

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A pulsed beta-barium borate optical parametric oscillator is injection seeded by cw diode lasers, yielding continuously tunable narrow-band output at its idler wavelength. A notable feature of this optical parametric oscillator is that it comprises a simple passive ring cavity with no active control

Comb-assisted cavity ring-down spectroscopy of a buffer-gas-cooled molecular beam.

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We demonstrate continuous-wave cavity ring-down spectroscopy of a partially hydrodynamic molecular beam emerging from a buffer-gas-cooling source. Specifically, the (ν1 + ν3) vibrational overtone band of acetylene (C2H2) around 1.5 μm is accessed using a narrow-linewidth diode laser stabilized

The microwave cavity perturbation technique for contact-free and in situ electrical conductivity measurements in catalysis and materials science.

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We have developed a noncontact method to probe the electrical conductivity and complex permittivity of single and polycrystalline samples in a flow-through reactor in the temperature range of 20-500 °C and in various gas atmospheres. The method is based on the microwave cavity perturbation technique

Quantum calculations on water in the KcsA channel cavity with permeant and non-permeant ions.

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Different ions in the pore of the KcsA channel behave differently, and we relate this to their solvation. We show that the selectivity is dependent, in part, on the solvation in the cavity (sometimes referred to as the vestibule, it is the region containing water molecules between the intracellular

Interaction Between the Rubidium Cation and [2.2.2]Paracyclophane: Experimental and Theoretical Study.

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By means of electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS), it was evidenced experimentally that the rubidium cation (Rb+) reacts with the electroneutral [2.2.2]paracyclophane ligand (C24H24) to form the cationic complex [Rb(C24H24)]+. Moreover, applying quantum chemical calculations, the most

Regeneration of tissue following cavity formation in the vascular cylinders of Pisum sativum (Fabaceae) primary roots.

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The reorganization of vascular cylinders of pea (Pisum sativum, cv. Alaska) primary roots following the formation of vascular cavities was examined by light and electron microscopy. Cavities usually began forming ~20 mm from the root tip and were continuous to ~90 mm from the tips in roots 150 mm

Enhancement of spectral purity of injection-seeded titanium:sapphire laser by cavity locking and stimulated Brillouin scattering.

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We report improvements to and better characterization of the spectral purity of a diode laser injection-seeded, cavity-locked titanium sapphire laser that serves as the source for a previously reported rubidium vapor spectrally filtered Thomson scattering apparatus at 780.24 nm. In a detailed set of

Generation of high-power single-frequency 397.5 nm laser with long lifetime and perfect beam quality in an external enhancement-cavity with MgO-doped PPSLT.

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Continuous-wave single-frequency high power 397.5 nm laser with long lifetime and perfect beam quality is one of the essential resource to generate the squeezed and entanglement states of optical beams resonant with D1 line of Rubidium atoms at 795 nm. In this paper, We present the

Loaded microwave cavity for compact vapor-cell clocks

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Vapor-cell devices based on microwave interrogation provide a stable frequency reference with a compact and robust setup. Further miniaturization must focus on optimizing the physics package, containing the microwave cavity and atomic reservoir. In this paper, we present a compact cavity-cell

Cavity cooling of a single atom.

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All conventional methods to laser-cool atoms rely on repeated cycles of optical pumping and spontaneous emission of a photon by the atom. Spontaneous emission in a random direction provides the dissipative mechanism required to remove entropy from the atom. However, alternative cooling methods have
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