Post-anesthetic pulmonary edema in two horses.
Kľúčové slová
CASE 1: A two-year old, 462 kg Standard bred horse was anesthetized for arthroscopy and castration. During anesthesia, hyperemia of the mucosal membranes and urticaria were noticed. During 5 hours of anesthesia subcutaneous edema of the eyelids and neck region developed. In the recovery box, the orotracheal (OT) tube was left in situ and secured in place with tape. Following initial attempts to stand, the horse became highly agitated and signs consistent with pulmonary edema developed subsequently. Arterial hypoxemia (PaO(2): 3.7 kPa [28 mmHg]) and hypocapnia (PaCO(2): 3.1 kPa [23 mmHg]) were confirmed. Oxygen and furosemide were administered. The horse was assisted to standing with a sling. Therapy continued with bilateral intra-nasal oxygen insufflation. Ancillary medical therapy included flunixin meglumine, penicillin, gentamycin and dimethylsulfoxide. Following 7 hours of treatment the arterial oxygen tensions began to increase towards normal values. CASE 2: An 11-year old, 528 kg Paint horse was anesthetized for surgery of a submandibular mass. The 4-hour anesthetic period was unremarkable. The OT tube was left in situ for the recovery. During recovery, the horse was slightly agitated and stood after three attempts. Clinical signs consistent with pulmonary edema and arterial hypoxemia (PaO(2): 5 kPa [37.5 mmHg]) subsequently developed following extubation. Respiratory signs resolved with medical therapy, including unilateral nasal oxygen insufflation, furosemide, flunixin meglumine and dimethylsulfoxide. The diagnosis of pulmonary edema in these horses was made by clinical signs and arterial blood-gas analysis. While pulmonary radiographs were not taken to confirm the diagnosis, the clinical signs following anesthesia support the diagnosis in both cases. The etiology of pulmonary edema was most likely multifactorial.