Haitian Creole

lyme disease/carbohydrate

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Strana 1 od 30 výsledky

Characterization of Borrelia burgdorferi glycoconjugates and surface carbohydrates.

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Borrelia burgdorferi glycoconjugates with different oligosaccharide structures were characterized by a blotting technique with peroxidase-labelled lectins. The localization of surface carbohydrates was studied using electron microscopy with lectin-gold complexes. A high-mannose glycan structure was

Carbohydrate utilization by the Lyme borreliosis spirochete, Borrelia burgdorferi.

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Growth kinetic analyses of Borrelia burgdorferi indicated that this bacterium can utilize a limited number of carbon sources for energy: the monosaccharides glucose, mannose, and N-acetylglucosamine, the disaccharides maltose and chitobiose, and glycerol. All of these carbohydrates are likely to be

Global Tn-seq analysis of carbohydrate utilization and vertebrate infectivity of Borrelia burgdorferi.

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Borrelia burgdorferi maintains a complex life cycle between tick and vertebrate hosts. Although some genes have been identified as contributing to bacterial adaptation in the different hosts, the list is incomplete. In this manuscript, we report the first use of transposon mutagenesis combined with

The role of Mannose Binding Lectin in the immune response against Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato.

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The causative agents of Lyme borreliosis, spirochetes belonging to the Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato group, have developed several ways to protect themselves against killing by the host complement system. In addition, it has been shown that serum sensitive isolates are (partially) protected by the

Taxonomy of the Lyme disease spirochetes.

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Morphology, physiology, and DNA nucleotide composition of Lyme disease spirochetes, Borrelia, Treponema, and Leptospira were compared. Morphologically, Lyme disease spirochetes resemble Borrelia. They lack cytoplasmic tubules present in Treponema, and have more than one periplasmic flagellum per

Chemical and biologic characterization of a lipopolysaccharide extracted from the Lyme disease spirochete (Borrelia burgdorferi).

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A lipopolysaccharide (LPS) was isolated from the Lyme disease spirochete by a modification of the hot phenol-water method. The material was composed of 45% carbohydrate, 8% protein, 44% lipid A, and 1% 3-deoxy-D-mannooctulosonic acid and accounted for approximately 1.5% of the cellular dry weight.

Borrelia burgdorferi shows specificity of binding to glycosphingolipids.

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Live but not fixed or heat-killed Borrelia burgdorferi bound to galactocerebroside, lactosylceramide, and ceramide trihexoside. In addition, this organism bound to the disialoganglioside GD1a and the trisialoganglioside GT1b but not to gangliosides GM1, GD1b, GM2, and GM3 and not to asialo GM1. This

Nonprotein antigens of Borrelia burgdorferi.

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Preparative thin-layer chromatograms of chloroform-methanol extracts of Borrelia burgdorferi (B31) sonicates showed four fractions (Rf values of 0.84, 0.81, 0.66 and 0.61) that stained with iodine vapors, orcinol, or phospray, suggesting the presence of lipid-, carbohydrate-, and

Isolation of the outer envelope from Borrelia burgdorferi.

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Borrelia burgdorferi consists of an inner protoplasmic cylinder, containing the genome and cytoplasmic elements, surrounded by a number of axial filaments, all completely encased within a multiple-layered outer envelope structure (OE). In this study, a sodium dodecyl sulfate-mediated technique was

Detection of glycoproteins in Borrelia burgdorferi.

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The presence of carbohydrates on proteins of Borrelia burgdorferi, the causative agent of Lyme disease, was investigated by using a digoxigenin labeling method together with Schiff staining and N-glycosidase F assay. The two major outer surface exposed proteins of 31 kDa and 34 kDa showed to be

Transcriptomic insights on the virulence-controlling CsrA, BadR, RpoN, and RpoS regulatory networks in the Lyme disease spirochete.

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Borrelia burgdorferi, the causative agent of Lyme disease, survives in nature through a cycle that alternates between ticks and vertebrates. To facilitate this defined lifestyle, B. burgdorferi has evolved a gene regulatory network that ensures transmission between those hosts, along with specific

N-acetylmannosamine (ManNAc) supports the growth of Borrelia burgdorferi in the absence of N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc).

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Borrelia burgdorferi, the causative agent of Lyme disease, lacks the ability to biosynthesize many essential nutrients de novo, including N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc). This amino sugar is required for cell wall synthesis, and is a component of the complex growth medium used for in vitro propagation.

[Lyme borreliosis: review of present knowledge].

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The author reviews hitherto assembled knowledge on a bacterial disease, Lyme borreliosis transmitted by ticks. Initial information on Lyme borreliosis appeared at the beginning of the 20th century. In Czechoslovakia attention to the disease was paid since cca 1960. The infection occurs as a rule in

HtrA of Borrelia burgdorferi Leads to Decreased Swarm Motility and Decreased Production of Pyruvate.

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Borrelia burgdorferi HtrA (HtrABb) is a serine protease that targets damaged or improperly folded proteins. In our previous studies, HtrABb specifically degraded basic membrane protein BmpD, chemotaxis phosphatase CheX, and outer membrane protein P66. In addition, HtrABb degrades virulence factor

Identification of an immunoreactive non-proteinaleous component in Borrelia burgdorferi.

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Investigations of immunoblots using Borrelia burgdorferi antigen demonstrated that a band, migrating faster than the bromophenol blue front in sodium dodecyl sulfate-gel electrophoresis, reacted strongly with sera containing anti-Borrelia burgdorferi antibodies preferentially of the IgG class.
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