Haitian Creole

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Strana 1 od 26 výsledky
1. In the experiments recorded in this paper the influence of the osmotic pressure of the blood upon absorption of fluid from the peritoneal cavity becomes apparent. Nephrectomy, removal of the adrenals, and other operations increase the osmotic pressure of the blood and increase the absorption of

[Phrenic blood flow in cats with closed abdominal cavity].

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By means of ultrasonic method, used in acute experiments on cats with closed abdominal cavity under nembutal narcosis, the authors studied the linear and volumetric blood flow velocity in left phrenic artery, the resistance of vascular bed of the phrenic artery, systemic blood pressure, respiration

[Removable prosthesis in a 4-year-old child with nursing bottle caries and possible ectodermal dysplasia].

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This case report represents a child that needed, at the age of 3, dental treatment under narcosis due to nursing bottle caries including multiple extractions. Six months later the few remaining teeth were again seriously affected by decay. Due to the medical history of urological problems, abnormal
Introduction: Scientific information sources point to the significant effectiveness of curettage of uterine cavity (CUC) as a diagnostic and treatment mode of gynecologic oncology. Today the anesthesia service is able to satisfy virtually all the requirements of a surgeon and a female
Augmentin was used prophylactically in 25 patients with an account of the infectious complication risk according to 4 regimens: ultrashort-term (1.2 g intravenously with initial narcosis), short-term (1.2 g intravenously with initial narcosis followed by intravenous administration in a dose of 600
Surgical stress resulting from the operative morbidity and narcosis aggravates the associated age-related and secondary immunodeficiency of gerontological patients at surgeries. Stress hormones have a strong depressing effect on the immunity by forming stress immunodeficiency. Not only high blood

[Changes in hemodynamics at different stages of laparoscopic cholecystectomy].

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Central hemodynamic parameters were studied by tetrapolar rheography in 147 patients aged 53-87 years during laparoscopic cholecystectomies. The operations were performed under endotracheal N2O+O2 narcosis and midazolam, phentanyl, droperidol, and listenon. The greatest changes of hemodynamics were

Recreational scuba diving, patent foramen ovale and their associated risks.

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Scuba diving has become a popular leisure time activity with distinct risks to health owing to its physical characteristics. Knowledge of the behaviour of any mixture of breathable gases under increased ambient pressure is crucial for safe diving and gives clues as to the pathophysiology of

[The 1562 De dentibus by Girolamo Cardano].

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"In the year 1562, having noticed that none of the ancient or modern physicians had treated the subject of dental care, I wrote this first book on the teeth". So begins the preface to the five books of the Opuscula medica senilia by Girolamo Cardano, the first organic text on dentistry in history.

Dental injuries resulting from tracheal intubation--a retrospective study.

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Even though it is known that dental injuries may occur in connection with tracheal intubation, the topic has hardly been evaluated in literature so far. Thus, this retrospective study was conducted including the data of 115-151 patients. All patients involved had been exposed to general anesthesia

[The "invisible" foreign body].

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A 58-year-old female patient fell down a stairs carrying a plant pot. The bamboo stem penetrated the left lower lip and remained stuck in the throat. The patient pulled the bamboo stem out immediately. The lower lip was sutured and a tear in the mucous membrane in the tonsils was explored and

[Diaphragmatic blood flow in hypoxia and hypercapnia].

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By means of ultrasonic method, used in acute experiments on cats with closed abdominal cavity under nembutal narcosis, we studied the linear and volumetric blood flow velocity in the left phrenic artery, vascular resistance, systemic blood pressure, lung ventilation, arterial blood gases during

[Results of regular dental care of mental and physical handicapped patients].

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The results of the regular dental care of 192 mental and physical handicapped patients were analysed in a 5-year-period. The care system in which the prevention, the therapy in narcosis and the annual control are combined is very effective on a long-term basis. The handicapped patients had a lower

NTP Toxicology and Carcinogenesis Studies of Chloroprene (CAS No. 126-99-8) in F344/N Rats and B6C3F1 Mice (Inhalation Studies).

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Chloroprene is used almost exclusively in the manufacture of neoprene (polychloroprene). Chloroprene was chosen for study because it is a high-volume production chemical with limited information on its carcinogenic potential and because it is the 2-chloro analogue of 1,3-butadiene, a potent,

[Disorders caused by heat, cold, and abnormal pressure].

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Exposure to heat disturbs the homeostasis of body water, serum osmosis, and core temperature, resulting in the development of heat cramp, heat syncope, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke. Commonly coexisting risks are humidity, windlessness, infrared radiation, physical exertion, continuous work,
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