Elsholtzia is a plant genus in the Lamiaceae (mint family). It is widespread across much of temperate and tropical Asia from Siberia south to China, Northeastern India, Indonesia, etc.
The genus was named in honour of the Prussian naturalist Johann Sigismund Elsholtz.
SpeciesElsholtzia amurensis Prob. - Amur region of Russia
Elsholtzia angustifolia (Loes.) Kitag. - Korea, Manchuria
Elsholtzia argyi H.Lév. - southern China, Vietnam
Elsholtzia beddomei C.B.Clarke ex Hook.f. - Myanmar, Thailand
Elsholtzia ...
Vnesite simptom ali bolezen in preberite o zeliščih, ki bi lahko pomagala, vnesite zelišče in si oglejte bolezni in simptome, proti katerim se uporablja.
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