Allium polyrhizum is an Asian species of wild onion widespread across Zabaykalsky Krai, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, and China (Gansu, Hebei, Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning, Inner Mongolia, Ningxia, Qinghai, Shaanxi, Shanxi and Xinjiang) at elevations 1000–3700 m.Allium polyrhizum produces clumps of many narrowly cylindrical bulbs, each generally less than 10 cm in diameter. Scape is up to 30 cm long, round in cross-section. Leaves are tubular, less than 1 cm across, shorter than the scape. Umbel is hemispheric ...
Vnesite simptom ali bolezen in preberite o zeliščih, ki bi lahko pomagala, vnesite zelišče in si oglejte bolezni in simptome, proti katerim se uporablja.
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