Serratula is a genus of plants in the thistle tribe within the daisy family native to Eurasia. Plumeless saw-wort is a common name for plants in this genus. Serratula as traditionally defined contains at least two groups: one of which is basal within the subtribe Centaureinae and one of which is derived; the former group can be moved to the genus Klasea.Various species contain apigenin, luteolin, quercetin, other flavonoids and ecdysteroids.
Formerly includedNumerous species are now considered members ...
Vnesite simptom ali bolezen in preberite o zeliščih, ki bi lahko pomagala, vnesite zelišče in si oglejte bolezni in simptome, proti katerim se uporablja.
* Vse informacije temeljijo na objavljenih znanstvenih raziskavah