Effects of thioglucoses on sensitivity to insulin hypoglycemic convulsions.
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Based on the effects of gold thioglucose (GTG), we have previously proposed a regulatory center in brain which adjusts the convulsive response to insulin hypoglycemia. The sensitivity to insulin hypoglycemic convulsions is decreased 24 hr and increased 1 week after a single i.p. injection of GTG. The differences are in the brain's convulsive response to equal hypoglycemia, as the blood glucose response to insulin is unchanged. The generalized convulsive threshold, reflected in the sensitivity to nonmetabolic pentylenetetrazol (Metrazol) convulsions, is not altered. Despite its systemic administration, GTG causes lesions focused in the ventromedial hypothalamus. In the present study, this regulatory center was explored further by the ability of two thioglucoses to substitute for GTG. beta-D-Thioglucose had no effect. 5-Thioglucose simulated the early (24 hr) action of GTG but had no effect at 1 week. However, unlike GTG, 5-thioglucose did not cause the ventromedial hypothalamus lesion. The early (24 hr) and late (1 week) components are thus dissociated. The early effect on insulin hypoglycemic convulsions does not require a ventromedial hypothalamus lesion. Structure-activity relationships and relationships to glucoregulatory systems are discussed.