Haitian Creole


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Stran 1 iz 90 rezultatov
Paediatric subdural empyema is frequently seen in developing Asean countries secondary to rinosinusogenic origins. A cross-sectional analysis on the surgical treatment of intracranial subdural empyema in Hospital Kuala Lumpur (HKL), a major referral center, was done in 2004. A total number of 44

Massive falx cerebri empyema.

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A rare case of otogenic massive intra-falx empyema is reported. The patient presented with headache, vomiting and left lower limb weakness of 8 months duration. C.T. scan revealed two cavities in the falx. Right fronto-parietal craniectomy and drainage of massive empyema was undertaken through

[Empyema of the gallbladder in an 8-year old boy].

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A case of empyema of the gallbladder in a eight year old child is reported. The child presented simptoms relatively constant in the hydrops of the gallbladder, nomely abdominal pain usually confined to the right upper quadrant and or epigastrium, fever, nausea, vomit, dehidratation; a tender

Sinusitis-induced subdural empyema.

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Over a 17 year period, 1975-91, 10 children were managed who had sinusitis-induced subdural or extradural empyema. Their ages ranged from 6 to 14 years, with a mean of 11 years. All presented with worsening headaches, fever, vomiting, all had neurological abnormalities, and all had symptoms or signs

Rhinogenic subdural empyema in older children and teenagers.

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Forty-five patients under the age of 20 years with rhinogenic subdural empyema were treated at Groote Schuur Hospital and Red Cross War Memorial Children's Hospital between 1979 and 1991. Thirty-two were male and 13 female. The majority were between 13 and 19 years of age. Headache was the

Laparoscopic cholecystectomy in a patient with empyema of the gallbladder and situs inversus.

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The successful performance of laparoscopic cholecystectomy in a patient with situs inversus viscerum and empyema of the gallbladder is reported. The 62-year-old man presented with pain in the left upper quadrant associated with fever, chills, nausea and vomiting. The abdomen was tender with guarding

Sinogenic intracranial empyema in children.

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BACKGROUND Sinogenic intracranial empyema (SIE) is an uncommon complication of sinusitis that can lead to devastating neurologic sequelae. Early recognition of the clinical findings is critical so that proper management can be instituted. OBJECTIVE To describe the symptoms, signs, and laboratory and

[A successful case report of conservative treatment of MRSA empyema after right pneumonectomy].

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We have successfully treated MRSA empyema after right pneumonectomy by the closed drainage and irrigation alone. The patient was a 70-year-old male who had received right pneumonectomy for p-III a squamous cell carcinoma originating in the right upper lobe bronchus. The operation wound was infected

[Empyema from spontaneous esophageal rupture treated by thoracoscopic surgery].

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A 61-year-old man who had been admitted for vomiting and abdominal pain 5 days before at another hospital was transferred to our hospital. He was diagnosed as pyo-pneumothorax, and chest drainage was initiated. Seven days after admission, food residue was observed in the drainage tube. A subsequent

Uncommon Presentation of Severe Empyema of the Gallbladder: Case Report and Literature Review

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BACKGROUND Empyema of the gallbladder is a complication of cholecystitis that can develop into sepsis if not treated promptly. Signs and symptoms of gallstone disease are nausea/vomiting, right upper quadrant tenderness, and a history of gallstone disease. With persistence of the obstruction,

Treatment of subdural empyema by burr hole.

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Subdural empyema, a collection of pus in the space between the dura and arachnoid, is a rare type of intracranial infection. We report on 23 patients, aged 8 months to 70 years, with subdural empyema who were treated in our clinic between 1989 and 1994. The sources of subdural empyemas were

Subdural empyema: a retrospective study of 15 patients.

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Subdural empyema is a surgical emergency, which, if not recognized and managed promptly, is rapidly fatal. The clinical features, diagnosis, infecting organisms, treatment and results in 15 patients with subdural empyema admitted to the University and Saskatoon City hospitals between 1956 and 1982

[Subdural empyema complicating sinusitis].

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Paranasal sinusitis complicated by subdural empyema (SDE) in a 14-year-old boy is described. He presented with fever, headache and vomiting. X-rays revealed left maxillary and bilateral frontal sinusitis. While in the emergency room he had seizures; CT-scan showed an air leak adjacent to the right

Staphylococcal empyema secondary to IgA nephropathy.

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A 27-year-old male patient, applied to the emergency unit with complaints of high fever, nausea, vomiting, and hematuria. In his physical examination, fever was 38 °C with normal findings in all other systems. The laboratory values were as follows: urea 58 mg/dL, creatinine 2.4 mg/dL, white blood

Posterior fossa subdural empyema in children--management and outcome.

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OBJECTIVE The aims of this study were to analyze the clinical features, radiologic findings, bacteriologic spectrum, and management protocols and outcomes in posterior fossa subdural empyemas in children. METHODS This study is a retrospective analysis of all children (age, <18 years) treated over a
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