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Olea europaea L. leaf extract and derivatives: antioxidant properties.

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This paper reports a very simple and fast method to collect eluates with high amounts of hydroxytyrosol, biotransforming Olea europaea L. leaf extract by a thermophilic beta-glycosidase immobilized on chitosan. Some phenolic compounds in the leaf tissue and in the eluates obtained by

Phenolic contents, antimicrobial and antioxidant activity of Olea ferruginea Royle (Oleaceae).

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BACKGROUND Olea ferruginea Royle (Oleaceae) has long been used as an important ethnomedicinal plant to cure fever and debility, toothache, hoarseness, throatache and skeleton disorders. In this study, phenolic contents, antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of leaf and bark extracts (chloroform,

Adsorption of olive leaf (Olea europaea L.) antioxidants on silk fibroin.

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The adsorption isotherms of oleuropein and rutin were evaluated at different temperatures, pH values, and solid/liquid ratios. The experimental data of adsorption isotherms were well fitted to a Langmuir model. The maximum adsorption capacities were determined as 108 mg of oleuropein/g of silk

Traditional Uses, Phytochemistry, and Pharmacology of Olea europaea (Olive).

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Aim of the Review. To grasp the fragmented information available on the botany, traditional uses, phytochemistry, pharmacology, and toxicology of Olea europaea to explore its therapeutic potential and future research opportunities. Material and Methods. All the available information on O. europaea

The antioxidant and anti-proliferative activity of the Lebanese Olea europaea extract.

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It is becoming increasingly evident that certain phytochemicals possess cancer chemopreventive properties. In this study, the anti-proliferative activity of plant extracts from olive (Olea europaea L.) leaves was tested on human leukemic cell line (Jurkat). Cytotoxicity of various concentrations of

Characterization of Antioxidant Enzymes and Peroxisomes of Olive (Olea europaea L.) Fruits.

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The presence of peroxisomes in olive (Olea europaea L.) fruits and different antioxidant enzymes occurring in this plant tissue is reported for the first time. Ultrastructural analysis showed that olive cells were characterized by the presence of large vacuoles and lipid drops. Plastids,

Characterization of antioxidant enzymes and peroxisomes of olive (Olea europaea L.) fruits.

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The presence of peroxisomes in olive (Olea europaea L.) fruits and different antioxidant enzymes occurring in this plant tissue is reported for the first time. Ultrastructural analysis showed that olive cells were characterized by the presence of large vacuoles and lipid drops. Plastids,

Green synthesis of ZnO nanoparticles by Olive (Olea europaea).

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Green synthesis of nanoparticles is superior to physical and chemical methods as it is environment-friendly and cost-effective. The present study was carried out for inducing nanoparticles synthesis by zinc nitrate in the leaves extracts of olive. Further leaves extracts were evaluated for

Factors influencing phenolic compounds in table olives (Olea europaea).

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The Mediterranean diet appears to be associated with a reduced risk of several chronic diseases including cancer and cardiovascular and Alzheimer's diseases. Olive products (mainly olive oil and table olives) are important components of the Mediterranean diet. Olives contain a range of phenolic

Antioxidant activities of polyphenols extracted from olive (Olea europaea) of chamlal variety.

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The antioxidant properties of phenolic compounds from olive pulp (PCO) of chamlal variety and those of individual phenolic compounds were evaluated and compared with that of vitamin C (Vit C). The antioxidant activity was measured by the tests of iron reduction and scavenging hydrogen peroxide

Antioxidant activity of maslinic acid, a triterpene derivative obtained from Olea europaea.

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We investigated the effect of maslinic acid (a triterpene derivative obtained from olive pomace), on the susceptibility of plasma or hepatocyte membranes to lipid peroxidation (LPO), induced respectively by the hydroxyl radical (OH*) generated by Fe2+/H2O2 ex vivo and by the system Fe3+/ascorbate in

OliveNet™: a comprehensive library of compounds from Olea europaea.

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Accumulated epidemiological, clinical and experimental evidence has indicated the beneficial health effects of the Mediterranean diet, which is typified by the consumption of virgin olive oil (VOO) as a main source of dietary fat. At the cellular level, compounds derived from various olive (Olea

Immunomodulatory properties of Olea europaea leaf extract in intestinal inflammation.

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Extracts from olive (Olea europaea) leaves are used in Mediterranean traditional medicine as anti-inflammatory agents. They contain antioxidant phenolic compounds, such as oleuropeoside, which could be interesting for the treatment of inflammatory conditions associated with oxidative stress in

[Research progress on biological activities of Olea europaea leaf extract].

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Olea europaea oil is one of the most important part of the "Mediterranean dietary pattern", and a lot of epidemiological evidences showed that people with the Mediterranean diet having a lower morbidity of the cardiovascular system diseases, skin cancer and colon cancer. The health benefits of a

Enzymatic hydrolysis of oleuropein from Olea europea (olive) leaf extract and antioxidant activities.

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Oleuropein (OE), the main polyphenol in olive leaf extract, is likely to decompose into hydroxytyrosol (HT) and elenolic acid under the action of light, acid, base, high temperature. In the enzymatic process, the content of OE in olive leaf extract and enzyme are key factors that affect the yield of
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