Haitian Creole

secale ancestrale/albumin

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Stran 1 iz 37 rezultatov

Identification and characterization of wheat grain albumin/globulin allergens.

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Bakers' asthma, an immediate-type allergic response to the inhalation of cereal flours, is an important occupational disease among workers of the baking and milling industries, and the salt-soluble proteins of wheat and rye flour dust are considered the most relevant allergens. In order to identify
Synaptonemal complexes of rye meiocytes were spread on plastic coated slides for electron microscopic observation. Two proteins generally used in synaptonemal complex spreading techniques, bovine serum albumin and cytohelicase, were applied separately or in combination in an isotonic protoplast
Salt-soluble proteins from the endosperms of wheat, barley, and rye have been separated by nonequilibrium electrofocusing x electrophoresis. Genes encoding 14 of the 25 components observed in wheat have been unambiguously assigned to 10 different chromosomes (1B, 3B, 3D, 4A, 4D, 5B, 6B, 6D, 7B, 7D)

Gluten and gluten-free: issues and considerations of labeling regulations, detection methods, and assay validation.

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Gluten is a commonly used cereal derivative found in bakery products, among other items. In some susceptible individuals, however, it triggers immune responses of different kinds; there is, to a lesser extent, the wheat allergy that is immunoglobulin E (IgE)-mediated and leads to histamine release

Serpins of oat (Avena sativa) grain with distinct reactive centres and inhibitory specificity.

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Most proteinase inhibitors from plant seeds are assumed to contribute to broad-spectrum protection against pests and pathogens. In oat (Avena sativa L.) grain the main serine proteinase inhibitors were found to be serpins, which utilize a unique mechanism of irreversible inhibition. Four distinct

Surface physicochemical properties of globulin-P amaranth protein.

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Globulin-P, the polymerized 11S amaranth globulin, is composed of 280 kDa unitary molecules (UM, 23%) and aggregates larger than 500 kDa (A, 70%). Antibodies against these proteins were prepared to study their surface characteristics and to assess their homology with other storage proteins. Results

Histamine release from isolated mast cells as a bioassay system for the standardization of allergens.

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Standardization of allergen extracts is still a problems not yet satisfactorily resolved. Allergic sensitization involves not only the production of allergen-specific antibodies of a certain class (IgE) but also changes in the morphological and functional state of the mast cells that bind and carry

[Tryptophan content of cereal proteins].

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The tryptophan contents of the albumin, globulin, prolamine and glutelin fractions from wheat, rye, barley, oat, sorghum, rice and maize were estimated by HPLC after alkaline hydrolysis. Complete amino acid compositions, including the amide contents, are given for all these protein fractions.

Wheat gliadin fractions and other cereal antigens reactive with antibodies in the sera of coeliac patients.

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The mixed reverse solid phase passive antiglobulin haemadsorption test (MRSPAH) and the enzyme linked immunosorbant assay (ELISA) were found equally sensitive and fitted for the measurement of serum IgG antibodies against alcohol soluble gliadins. Using the ELISA method, three coeliac sera with
BACKGROUND There is evidence that adenosine plays a role in the pathogenesis of asthma and rhinitis; however, it is currently unclear whether adenosine receptors are useful therapeutic targets in the treatment of allergic airway diseases. OBJECTIVE The study evaluated the efficacy of intranasal

Diagnosis and management of grain-induced asthma.

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Grain-induced asthma is a frequent occupational allergic disease mainly caused by inhalation of cereal flour or powder. The main professions affected are bakers, confectioners, pastry factory workers, millers, farmers, and cereal handlers. This disorder is usually due to an IgE-mediated allergic

Occupational asthma from exposure to rye flour in a Japanese baker.

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Three years after beginning employment at a bakery, a 32-year-old Japanese man began experiencing acute asthma exacerbations after exposure to rye flour. Antigen-specific serum IgE antibodies were detected to the albumin and globulin, gliadin, prolamin, and glutenin protein fractions of rye flour

Glutamate:glyoxylate aminotransferase from the seedlings of rye (Secale cereale L.).

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Glutamate:glyoxylate aminotransferase from green parts of 7-day-old rye seedlings was purified almost to homogeneity. Specific activity of the purified enzyme measured with L-glutamate and glyoxylate as substrates, was 46.1 units/mg. The enzyme activity with L-alanine and 2-oxoglutarate as

Cryopreservation of rye protoplasts by vitrification.

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A procedure has been developed for the vitrification of mesophyll protoplasts isolated from leaves of nonacclimated (NA) and cold-acclimated (ACC) winter rye seedlings (Secale cereale L. cv Puma). The procedure involves (a) equilibration (loading) of the protoplasts with an intermediate

Purified phytochrome influences in vitro transcription in rye nuclei.

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Nuclei isolated from dark-grown seedlings of rye by Percoll density gradient centrifugation incorporate radioactive UTP into RNA. Transcription is reduced to 50% by the addition of alpha-amanitin (5 mug/ml) and correspondingly a decrease of the label in the mRNA fraction is seen on agarose gels.
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