Cassava Intervention Project
Fjalë kyçe
The proposed project seeks methods to prevent and elucidate biomarkers of neurocognition and motor deficits associated with chronic dietary reliance on cyanogenic cassava, a staple food crop for more than 600 millions of people living in the tropics. Aim 1 will implement a novel cassava processing method (wetting method, WTM) that safely removes cyanogenic compounds from cassava flour prior to human consumption in a stratified village-cluster randomized non-inferiority trial so as to compare the effectiveness of a peer-led intervention (women training other women in the WTM) with that by community-health worker specialists (2 intervention training arms). Aim 2 will determine whether post-intervention reductions in cassava cyanogenic content and child U-SCN are associated with changes in biomarkers of cassava neurotoxicity particularly 8,12-iso-iPF2α-VI isoprostane (oxidant marker), carbamoylated albumin fragments KVPQVSTPTLVEVSR (residues 438-452) and LDELRDEGKASSAK (residues 206-219), or homocitrulline (carbamoylating markers), and scores at the KABC-II cognition and BOT-2 motor testing.
Verifikuar së fundmi: | 02/29/2020 |
Paraqitur së pari: | 05/11/2017 |
Regjistrimi i vlerësuar u dorëzua: | 05/14/2017 |
Postuar së pari: | 05/16/2017 |
Përditësimi i fundit i paraqitur: | 03/02/2020 |
Përditësimi i fundit i postuar: | 03/03/2020 |
Data e fillimit të studimit aktual: | 07/29/2017 |
Data e vlerësuar e përfundimit primar: | 06/29/2021 |
Data e vlerësimit të përfundimit të studimit: | 08/30/2021 |
Gjendja ose sëmundja
Ndërhyrja / trajtimi
Other: Non Inferiority WTM Interventional Trial
Grupet e krahëve
Krah | Ndërhyrja / trajtimi |
Experimental: Peer-led Intervention Peers (community women in leading roles) training other women in the wetting method for safe processing of cassava in a non-inferiority intervention trial. | |
Experimental: Specialist-led Intervention Specialists (nutritionists) training other women in the wetting method for safe processing of cassava in a non-inferiority intervention trial.. |
Kriteret e pranimit
Moshat e pranueshme për studim | 5 Years Për të 5 Years |
Gjinitë e pranueshme për studim | All |
Pranon Vullnetarë të Shëndetshëm | po |
Kriteret | Inclusion Criteria: - Households with a konzo child and non-konzo sibling between 5 and 12 years - Presence of a biological mother primarily responsible for the household food preparation and caring for the children - Mother consenting to participate in this study Exclusion Criteria: - History of seizures - History of cerebral malaria - History of retroviral (HIV-HTLV) infections |
Masat Kryesore të Rezultateve
1. Change in food cyanogenic exposure [From baseline to 6-month time points]
2. Change in internal cyanogenic exposure [From baseline to 6-month time points]
3. Change in oxidation damage [From baseline to 6-month time points]
4. Change in carbamoylation [From baseline to 6-month time points]
5. Change in carbamoylation surrogate [From baseline to 6-month time points]
Masat dytësore të rezultateve
1. Change in cognition performance [From baseline to 6-month time points]
2. Change in motor proficiency [From baseline to 6-month time points]