Haitian Creole


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Codecaying Dark Matter.

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We propose a new mechanism for thermal dark matter freeze-out, called codecaying dark matter. Multicomponent dark sectors with degenerate particles and out-of-equilibrium decays can codecay to obtain the observed relic density. The dark matter density is exponentially depleted through the decay of

Cryptobaryonic dark matter.

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It is proposed that dark matter could consist of compressed collections of atoms (or metallic matter) encapsulated into, for example, 20 cm big pieces of a different phase. The idea is based on the assumption that there exists at least one other phase of the vacuum degenerate with the usual one.

Superheavy Thermal Dark Matter.

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We propose a mechanism of elementary thermal dark matter with a mass up to 10^{14} GeV, within a standard cosmological history, whose relic abundance is determined solely by its interactions with the standard model, without violating the perturbative unitarity bound. The dark matter consists of many

Dark solitons in degenerate optical parametric oscillators.

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It is shown theoretically that a degenerate optical parametric oscillator with a frequency limiter and continuouswave pumping can generate stable dark solitons when it operates near antiresonance. These solitons are supported by the combined effect of pump depletion and spectral filtering, and their

Repeatability of Scotopic Sensitivity and Dark Adaptation Using a Medmont Dark-Adapted Chromatic Perimeter in Age-related Macular Degeneration

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Purpose: Functional studies of rods in age-related macular degeneration using the Medmont Dark-Adapted Chromatic Perimeter (DACP) have demonstrated impairments in scotopic sensitivities and dark adaptation (DA). We investigated the

Aging and cone dark adaptation.

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OBJECTIVE Following exposure to a bright light that bleaches a significant portion of photopigment, the eyes take several minutes to regain sensitivity. This slow process, known as dark adaptation, is impaired in patients with age-related macular degeneration and is an important candidate biomarker

Dark noise and retinal degeneration from D190N-rhodopsin

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Numerous rhodopsin mutations have been implicated in night blindness and retinal degeneration, often with unclear etiology. D190N-rhodopsin (D190N-Rho) is a well-known inherited human mutation causing retinitis pigmentosa. Both higher-than-normal spontaneous-isomerization activity and

Dissecting the dark-adapted electroretinogram.

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Although gross recordings of the ganzfeld flash-evoked electroretinogram (ERG) can potentially provide information about the activity of many, if not all, retinal cell types, it is necessary to dissect the ERG into its components to realize this potential fully. Here we describe various procedures

Dark Atrophy: An Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography Study.

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To assess the status of choriocapillaris in eyes with macular atrophy secondary to age-related macular degeneration (AMD) (geographic atrophy [GA]) and Stargardt disease (STGD) using optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA). Prospective, observational case series. A total of 14 patients (20

Dark adaptation in glaucomatous and nonglaucomatous optic nerve atrophy.

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Optic nerve damage is associated with impairment of psychophysical functions. We measured dark adaptation in 21 eyes of 14 normal subjects, 35 eyes of 19 patients with primary open-angle glaucoma, and 7 eyes of 4 patients with nonglaucomatous descending optic nerve atrophy. In the normal subjects

Abnormal dark-adapted electroretinogram in Best's vitelliform macular degeneration.

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It is generally well accepted that in Best's vitelliform macular degeneration (BVMD) the electroretinogram (ERG) is normal whereas the electro-oculogram (EOG) is markedly abnormal. We describe a patient in whom BVMD was suspected on the basis of the clinical findings, EOG and family history (one of

Shedding light on baryonic dark matter.

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Halo dark matter, if it is baryonic, may plausibly consist of compact stellar remnants. Jeans mass clouds containing 10(6) to 10(8) solar masses could have efficiently formed stars in the early universe and could plausibly have generated, for a suitably top-heavy stellar initial mass function, a

Dark Energy after GW170817 and GRB170817A.

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The observation of GW170817 and its electromagnetic counterpart implies that gravitational waves travel at the speed of light, with deviations smaller than a few×10^{-15}. We discuss the consequences of this experimental result for models of dark energy and modified gravity characterized by a single

Dark adaptation in locally detached retina.

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Nonrhegmatogenous retinal detachments were formed in the eyes of Dutch rabbits by subretinal injection of Hanks' balanced salt solution. The electroretinogram (ERG) was recorded locally from the acutely detached retina, and simultaneously from the surrounding attached retina (vitreal ERG [VERG]),

Light induced retinal degeneration: effect upon light-dark discrimination.

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  • Punon në 55 gjuhë
  • Kurime bimore të mbështetura nga shkenca
  • Njohja e bimëve nga imazhi
  • Harta GPS interaktive - etiketoni bimët në vendndodhje (së shpejti)
  • Lexoni botime shkencore në lidhje me kërkimin tuaj
  • Kërkoni bimë medicinale nga efektet e tyre
  • Organizoni interesat tuaja dhe qëndroni në azhurnim me kërkimet e lajmeve, provat klinike dhe patentat

Shkruani një simptomë ose një sëmundje dhe lexoni në lidhje me barërat që mund të ndihmojnë, shtypni një barishte dhe shikoni sëmundjet dhe simptomat që përdoren kundër.
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