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The only way to improve the diagnosis and treatment of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) is to better understand the mechanisms underlying its pathophysiology. Central nervous system dysfunctions play a major role in ME/CFS and help explaining patients' symptoms, such as
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In patients with CFS / ME, neuroimmune, gastrointestinal, autonomic and cardiovascular alterations have been observed, among others. CFS / ME is characterized by disabling chronic fatigue, non-restorative sleep, severe intolerance to physical exercise, neurocognitive dysfunction with changes in
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The hypothesis of our study is that hemodynamic, ventilatory and oxygen exchange variables such biventricular filling pressures and systemic oxygen extraction can be improved by cholinergic stimulation in patients with ME/CFS.
The objective of this study is to examine the exercise response to
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CFS/ME participants:
General practitioners recruit participants from the local area, by posters at the doctors' offices. In addition the study has a facebook site, named "the COMEBACK study", where interested CFS/ME subjects can submit their interest to be assessed for participation. After a
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Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) is a complex disorder that may be triggered by infection or other stressors (e.g., emotional or physical trauma, immune activation, chemical exposures). Its hallmark is a reduced capacity for physical and mental activity manifest as
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Background Medical strategies alone appear insufficient to increase functioning and quality of life in ME/CFS. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is the only treatment approach with preliminary evidence of efficacy for improving functioning and quality of life. However, effect sizes are generally
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Activity pacing is frequently advised in the management of chronic pain/fatigue, including chronic low back pain, chronic widespread pain/fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis. However, there is no agreed definition of 'activity pacing' and it is instructed in various
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Dementia refers to neurodegenerative conditions causing gradual decrease in ability to think and recall, to the point that is impacts daily functions. It is often accompanied by language difficulties, wide ranging emotional issues, loss of language skills, and lowering of activity motivation. These
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Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME) is a complex medical condition, characterized by severe disabling fatigue with no known cause, no established diagnostic tests, and no universally effective treatment. No studies have evaluated symptomatic treatment using oral melatonin
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We and others have shown that a majority of younger patients with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) have orthostatic intolerance (OI), the inability to tolerate orthostatic stress such as prolonged standing. OI in ME/CFS comprises postural tachycardia syndrome (POTS) in
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• Background : Multiple sclerosis (MS) is the most frequent inflammatory disorder leading to impairment in young people. Although many drugs are now available to treat the early relapsing-remitting phase of MS (RR-MS), impairment is mostly linked to the secondary progressive phase of MS. Since no
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Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS, which is also sometimes called ME, Myalgic Encephalomyelitis) is a devastating and complex disorder. People with CFS experience overwhelming fatigue and a host of other symptoms that are not improved by bed rest and that can get worse after physical activity and mental
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Gulf war veterans' illnesses comprise distinct clusters of symptom-defined illnesses for which there are neither diagnostic tests nor effective treatments. Gulf war veterans had variable exposures to a number of chemicals, including organophosphate insecticides, pyrethrum-related insecticides, DEET,
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Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) RA is characterized by joint inflammation causing peripheral pain, however the relation between peripheral pathology and pain intensity is weak. There is substantial evidence that also pain modulation mechanisms are dysregulated in RA. For example, generalized
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During facial cooling and especially during breath hold, can mammals - and also humans - elicit a so called dive reflex, causing bradycardia, peripheral vasoconstriction and centralization of blood flow to brain, lungs and heart (18 Foster et al 2005), but the reflex is suppressed by
Baza e të dhënave më e plotë e bimëve medicinale e mbështetur nga shkenca
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Lexoni botime shkencore në lidhje me kërkimin tuaj
Kërkoni bimë medicinale nga efektet e tyre
Organizoni interesat tuaja dhe qëndroni në azhurnim me kërkimet e lajmeve, provat klinike dhe patentat
Shkruani një simptomë ose një sëmundje dhe lexoni në lidhje me barërat që mund të ndihmojnë, shtypni një barishte dhe shikoni sëmundjet dhe simptomat që përdoren kundër. * I gjithë informacioni bazohet në kërkimin shkencor të botuar