[Fermentative mechanisms of the psychrophilicity of Yersinia tuberculosis].
Кључне речи
The specific activity of urease, nitrogenase, hialuronidase and neuraminidase in Y. pseudotuberculosis grown in different culture media and at different temperature has been studied. These enzymes have been found capable of functioning at both relatively low (2-8 degrees C) and high (37 degrees C) temperatures. The thermoadaptive properties of Y. pseudotuberculosis within a wide range of temperatures are ensured by the constant presence of isoenzymes, functioning only at low temperatures or only at high temperatures, in the microbial cells. Low temperature in combination with a definite culture medium triggers the activity of certain enzymatic systems, which explains, to some extent, the biochemical mechanisms of the psychrophilic properties of Y. pseudotuberculosis.