Prevalence of atopic diseases in Nigerian children with vernal kerato-conjunctivitis.
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A descriptive study of 117 cases of vernal kerato-conjunctivitis (VKC), in children below the age of 18 years, newly presenting to 2 hospitals in Ibadan, Nigeria. All the children had a structured questionnaire administered to them which inquired about demographic and clinical, especially history or presence of other atopic diseases amongst other things. Specifically inquired about were asthma, eczema, allergic rhinitis or hay fever, allergic skin rash e.g. scabies, reaction to drugs and others. The children were also examined to confirm or detect the presence of these atopic diseases. The overall prevalence of atopic conditions was 19.8% amongst cases of VKC. These comprised of 6% asthma, 5% allergic rhinitis and 4.3% eczema. (Total 15.5%). Other forms of atopic conditions like other non-specific allergic skin reactions (0.9%), reaction to certain drugs e.g. chloroguine (0.9%) and other unknown allergic conditions (2.6%). It is suggested that children with VKC should be subjecteed to detailed enquiry and examination with regards to the presence of other atopic conditions. This will go a long way in understanding the type(s) of allergic response involved and perhaps of management of VKC.