3 резултати
Purpose: Aniseikonia, an appreciation of image size differences between the eyes, can produce symptoms in patients, ranging from headaches to loss of fusion. The purpose of this research was to take a 21st century look at aniseikonia. Methods: Kellogg Eye Center patient records were
Aniseikonia is one of the relevant unsolved problems of modern cataract surgery and may cause severe functional problems such as deteriorated binocular vision, diplopia or headaches. The aim of the present study is to assist the clinician as to how to estimate lateral magnification in a
Aniseikonia is a difference in the perceived size or shape of images between eyes, and can arise from a variety of physiological, neurological, retinal, and optical causes. Aniseikonia is associated with anisometropia, as both anisometropia itself and the optical correction for anisometropia can