Panch phoron is a mixture of five spices containing an equal proportion of Foeniculum vulgare (fennel), Trigonella foenum-graecum Linn (fenugreek), Nigella sativa (black cumin), Cuminum cyminum (cumin) and Brassica nigra (black mustard). The mixture is commonly used in Bangladeshi
Phytochemicals are priceless sources of bioactive compounds with multiple health benefices. The main objective of the current investigation was to develop nanostructured herbal formulations conditioned as appropriate hydrogel (HG) conferring an enhanced transdermal absorption of bioactive compounds
Aspiration of gastric contents can cause serious lung injury, although the mechanisms of pulmonary damage are still not clear and means of amelioration of the pulmonary damage have been little investigated. The black cumin seed, Nigella sativa L. (NS) has been shown to have specific health benefits
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Препознавање биљака по слици
Интерактивна ГПС мапа - означите биље на локацији (ускоро)
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