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Assessing Toxicity of Waterpipe Tobacco Smoking

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San Diego State University



Waterpipe smoking is a tobacco use method in which smoke passes through a partially-filled water jar. Burning charcoal heats the waterpipe tobacco which produces the smoke that the user inhales. Waterpipe smoking was associated with increased risk for coronary heart and pulmonary diseases. This Waterpipe Study will inform the FDA on regulating waterpipe tobacco products and reduce the harm of it use. This study will be conducted at homes of hookah smokers, in natural settings, aimed to determine the effects of waterpipe smoking practices on physiological injury markers and biomarkers of toxicity of waterpipe tobacco smoking. The investigators will employ a repeated measures design. The investigators will recruit a sample of 50 adult male and female exclusive waterpipe smokers and a control sample of 25 male and female non-smokers via intercept interviews from San Diego County, California communities. Waterpipe smokers will smoke one waterpipe tobacco head (10g) of Starbuzz during 3 separate sessions with a 7-day washout period before each session, as follows: Session 1, Smoking waterpipe tobacco using 1 quick-light charcoal and room temperature water in the waterpipe jar, Session 2, Smoking waterpipe tobacco using 1 quick-light charcoal and adding ice cubes to the water in the waterpipe jar, and Session 3, Smoking waterpipe tobacco without charcoal using a charcoal-free electrically heated waterpipe head to heat the tobacco, and room temperature water in the waterpipe jar. The following data will be collected: a) Tobacco Use History, b) 4-week Tobacco Exposure Diary, c) Waterpipe Use Session Form, d) Carbon monoxide (CO) exposure: Micro+ Smokerlyzer® CO monitor will be used for exhaled CO pre and 2 minutes post each smoking session, e) Pulmonary function testing and measuring blood pressure, heart rate and respiratory rate, and f) 6 first morning urine samples: pre and post the 3 sessions to measure urinary cotinine, a metabolite of nicotine, 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1- (3-pyridyl)-1-butanol (NNAL) and NNAL-glucuronides (total NNAL), metabolites of the lung carcinogen 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone (NNK), 1-hydroxypyrene (1-HOP), a metabolite of the genotoxic carcinogen pyrene, and S-phenylmercapturic acid (SPMA), a metabolite of the human hematotoxicant and leukemogen benzene. The investigators will explore exposure levels to furan, a liver toxicant and carcinogen, among waterpipe smokers via measuring its urinary metabolite Furan-BDA-NAL.


Globally, 1 in 3 adults or 1.2 billion people smoke. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimated that tobacco is responsible for the death of 1 in 10 adults worldwide, about 6 million premature deaths each year. In the United States (U.S.), cigarette smoking is responsible for more than 480,000 deaths per year, including nearly 42,000 deaths resulting from secondhand smoke exposure. Tobacco use is the single leading most preventable cause of disease, disability, and mortality in the U.S. Tobacco research tends to focus on cigarettes; however, the rise in waterpipe (WP) tobacco use globally warrants studying all aspects of its toxicity. In 2005, the WHO called for a better understanding of WP tobacco smoking. In 2007, the American Lung Association labeled WP smoking as an emerging deadly trend. WP tobacco use was associated with increased risk for Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), heart diseases, lung cancers, oral and esophageal cancers.

COPD is a major public health problem leading to airflow obstruction. In the U.S., tobacco smoke is a key factor in the development of COPD, which was the third leading cause of death in the U.S. in 2014. WP smoking decreases respiratory quality of life in adults. Studies found that pulmonary function following WP smoking was impaired as measured by forced expiratory volume (FEV1), forced vital capacity (FVC), FEV1/FVC, and Forced Expiratory Flow (FEF25-75%). Studies investigating acute cardiovascular injury markers due to WP smoking showed significant increases in heart rate, and in systolic and diastolic blood pressure.

In 2014, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) initiated regulation WP tobacco. The FDA proposed that the manufacturers of WP tobacco disclose to the FDA their products' ingredients and report harmful and potentially harmful constituents (HPHCs). A review study showed that exposures to HPHCs are 10-100 times higher in WP tobacco smoke than in cigarette smoke. To inform the FDA on the regulation of WP tobacco products, and reduce the harm of it use, the investigators propose a Waterpipe Project in a natural setting to determine the differential effects of WP smoking practices on physiological injury markers, and biomarkers of toxicants and carcinogens.

Worldwide, the WP is used in Africa, Asia, China, India, and the Middle East. Adolescents and young adults in the U.S. are experimenting with WP smoking. The 2014 U.S. National College Health Assessment II found that nearly one third of U.S. undergraduate college students (38.2% of men and 31.4% of women), reported ever using WP tobacco, and 11.6% of men and 8.3% of women reported current use (past 30 days). Among high school students, the 2013 U.S. National Youth Tobacco Survey showed that 15.1% of boys and 13.5% of girls reported ever WP use.

The WP (hookah) consists of a head, a body, a hose, and a water jar. The tobacco is placed in the head and covered with a perforated aluminum foil to allow air-flow. Burning charcoal is placed on top of the aluminum foil. Upon deep inhalation via the WP hose, suction forces hot air through the head, heating and combusting the tobacco to produce the smoke that is forced down the WP body, into and out of the water in the airtight jar, and through the hose into the smoker's mouth and respiratory system. Smokers inhale charcoal toxicant emissions in addition to those from the WP tobacco. Charcoal combustion contributes greatly to benzene, carbon monoxide (CO) and carcinogenic yields. CO is a smoke toxicant that reduces the blood's ability to transport oxygen to various organs, including the brain, and can cause dizziness, headache, syncope and nausea.

A charcoal-free electrically heated WP head is commercially available. Users were satisfied with this device because they did not have to deal with charcoal fire hazardous ambers and ashes, in addition to enjoying the feeling of reduced harm. WP smokers normally use room temperature water in the WP jar. However, other liquid media are gaining in popularity. According to anecdotal evidence, "adding ice cubes in the WP jar has an enjoyable cooling effect to the inhaled smoke". Smokers practice adding ice cubes at home, and for an extra charge hookah lounges provide this option for customers. Toxic chemicals in WP tobacco smoke include cotinine, a metabolite of the addictive drug nicotine; 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanol (NNAL) and NNAL-glucuronides (total NNAL); metabolites of the lung carcinogen 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone (NNK); 1-hydroxypyrene (1-HOP), a metabolite of the genotoxic carcinogen pyrene; and S-phenylmercapturic acid (SPMA), a metabolite of the human hematotoxicant and leukemogen benzene; and Furan-BDA-NAL, a metabolite of the carcinogen furan.

METHODS. will compare exhaled CO, pulmonary functions, blood pressure, heart rate and respiratory rate, and urinary levels of cotinine, NNAL, SPMA, and 1-HOP in first void WP smoker urine samples the morning of, and the morning after a WP smoking session across 3 smoking practices. The investigators will recruit a sample of 50 adult male and female exclusive WP smokers and a control sample of 25 male and female non-smokers. Participants will be recruited and qualified via random intercept screen interviews from San Diego County, California communities. Over a 3-week study period, WP smokers will smoke one WP tobacco head (10g) of Starbuzz during 3 separate sessions with a 7-day washout period before each session in their home in a natural setting: Week 1-Session 1, WP smokers will smoke using 1 quick-light charcoal and room temperature water in the WP jar, Week 2-Session 2, WP smokers will smoke using 1 quick-light charcoal but adding ice cubes to the water in the WP jar, Week 3-Session 3, WP smokers will smoke WP tobacco without charcoal using the electric WP head and room temperature water. The investigators will collect the following forms: a) Tobacco Use History; b) 3-week Tobacco Use and Exposure Diaries; c) WP Smoking Session Day and Exposure Form; and will measure d) CO exposure: Micro+ Smokerlyzer® CO monitor will be used for exhaled CO two minutes pre and post each smoking session; e) Pulmonary function testing and measuring blood pressure, heart rate and respiratory rate pre and post each smoking session; and f) 6 first morning urine samples: pre and post the 3 sessions to measure urinary cotinine, NNAL, 1-HOP, SPMA, and Furan-BDA-NAL. Efforts will be made to recruit equal samples of males and females. Flexible scheduling for study activities where applicable. Proration of incentives will apply for completed activities.

The 3-Week Study period: comprised of 3 WP smoking sessions with 7-day wash-out periods

WP Smoking Session 1. Day 1 - Office Visit: The Office Visit is expected to take between 60 and 90 minutes where potential participants will be trained on the study activities. Consent will be obtained, study forms will be completed, and study related materials such as forms and urine cups will be provided. Scheduling will be arranged for the 3 WP smoking sessions and corresponding home visits. Saliva Test: Trained by the PI, the RAs will use NicAlert, an accurate and valid commercial semi-quantitative instant saliva cotinine test, to validate non-smoking status, which the investigators used successfully in their previous studies. The following physiological baseline data will be collected: pulmonary functions, blood pressure, heart rate and respiratory rate. Days 2 - 6: The RAs will contact participants by phone on the 4th day to confirm adherence to the 7-wash-out period and diaries, and on the 6th day to remind participants to collect the first morning urine sample on day 7, and to arrange for a home visit for the first WP smoking session. Day 7: WP smoking session 1. WP smokers will provide one first morning urine sample and store it in their refrigerator (freezer section). WP smokers will smoke WP tobacco (10 grams) as they normally do using charcoal and room temperature water in the water jar. The RAs will collect expired CO levels 2 minutes before and 2 minutes after concluding smoking, and will measure pulmonary functions, blood pressure, heart rate and respiratory rate thereafter. Day 8: Participants will provide a first morning urine sample. The RAs will pick up the 2 urine samples (frozen in a cooler to transfer them to the research center laboratory), and arrange for the 2nd WP smoking session home visit, provide forms, urine cups package for week 2 of the study. WP Smoking Session 2. Days 1 through 7 are similar to session 1 with the exception that the RAs will add one tray of ice cubes and water in the WP jar. The RAs will arrange for a training session to use the charcoal-free electrically heated WP head. WP Smoking Session 3. Days 1 through 7 are similar to session 1 using room temperature water in the WP jar, however using the charcoal-free electrically heated WP head instead of using charcoal. During the last visit, the day after the 3rd smoking session, the RAs will interview participants to complete the Illnesses and Health Care History Form, pick up the final urine samples, and thank the participants.


Senast verifierad: 09/30/2019
Först skickat: 08/06/2017
Beräknad anmälan inlämnad: 08/14/2017
Först publicerad: 08/17/2017
Senaste uppdatering skickad: 10/26/2019
Senaste uppdatering publicerad: 10/28/2019
Faktiskt startdatum för studien: 10/19/2017
Uppskattat primärt slutdatum: 09/24/2018
Beräknat slutfört datum: 09/24/2018

Tillstånd eller sjukdom

Waterpipe Smoking

Intervention / behandling

Device: Waterpipe smoking




ÄrmIntervention / behandling
Experimental: Waterpipe smoking
In a repeated measures design, 50 adult male and female exclusive WP smokers will smoke WP tobacco weekly over a 3-week study period with 3 WP smoking practices.
Device: Waterpipe smoking
In a repeated measures design, 50 adult male and female exclusive WP tobacco smokers will smoke WP tobacco weekly over a 3-week study period with 3 WP smoking practices as follows: 1) using room temperature water in the WP jar, 2) adding ice cubes to the water in the WP jar, and 3) using a charcoal-free electronic WP head to heat the tobacco. Six Spot first morning urine samples will be provided by participants. Two urine samples per each of the 3 smoking sessions. Urine samples will be provided on the day of the WP tobacco smoking session and the following day. Physiological measures will be taken at Baseline during the office visit and before and after each of the 3 WP tobacco smoking sessions.
No Intervention: Control
A total of 25 adult make and female nonsmokers will be recruited as a control.


Åldrar berättigade till studier 21 Years Till 21 Years
Kön som är berättigade till studierAll
Accepterar friska volontärerJa

Inclusion Criteria for a Waterpipe Tobacco Smoker

- Adult male or female exclusive waterpipe tobacco smoker

- Smokes at least 1 waterpipe tobacco head per month

- Smokes waterpipe tobacco at home

- Age 21 years or older

Inclusion Criteria for a Non-Smoker

- Adult male or female non-smoker

- Lived in a 'non-smoker home' at least in the last month

- Age 21 years or older

Inclusion Criteria for a Non-Smoker Home

- No smokers have lived in in the past month

- No visitors had smoked indoors/outdoors in the past month

Exclusion Criteria

- Major physical/psychiatric illnesses

- Daily waterpipe smokers

- Pregnant women


Primära resultatåtgärder

1. Change in urinary cotinine from pre to post each of three waterpipe tobacco smoking sessions [Two days for each of the three smoking sessions. Smokers will provide two first morning spot urine samples, one urine sample on the morning of the day of the smoking session, and one urine sample on the morning of the following day.]

The investigators will assess change in urinary levels of cotinine in ng/ml and ng/mg creatinine, which is the metabolite of the addictive drug nicotine, post each of three waterpipe tobacco smoking sessions. For each of the three smoking sessions, smokers will provide two first morning spot urine samples, the day of the smoking session and the following morning. The three waterpipe tobacco smoking sessions are as follows: 1) using room temperature water in the waterpipe jar, 2) adding ice cubes to the water in the waterpipe jar, and 3) using a charcoal-free electronic waterpipe head to heat the tobacco instead of charcoal.

2. Change in urinary NNAL from pre to post each of three waterpipe tobacco smoking sessions [Two days for each of the three smoking sessions. Smokers will provide two first morning spot urine samples, one urine sample on the morning of the day of the smoking session, and one urine sample on the morning of the following day.]

The investigators will assess change in urinary levels of NNAL in pg/ml and ng/mg creatinine, which is the metabolite of NNK, a tobacco specific pulmonary carcinogen, post each of three waterpipe tobacco smoking sessions. For each of the three smoking sessions, smokers will provide two first morning spot urine samples, the day of the smoking session and the following morning. The three waterpipe tobacco smoking sessions are as follows: 1) using room temperature water in the waterpipe jar, 2) adding ice cubes to the water in the waterpipe jar, and 3) using a charcoal-free electronic waterpipe head to heat the tobacco instead of charcoal.

3. Change in urinary SPMA from pre to post each of three waterpipe tobacco smoking sessions [Two days for each of the three smoking sessions. Smokers will provide two first morning spot urine samples, one urine sample on the morning of the day of the smoking session, and one urine sample on the morning of the following day.]

The investigators will assess change in urinary levels of SPMA in pmol/ml and pmol/mg creatinine, which is the metabolite of benzene, the human hematotoxicant and leukemogen, post each of three waterpipe tobacco smoking sessions. For each of the three smoking sessions, smokers will provide two first morning spot urine samples, the day of the smoking session and the following morning. The three waterpipe tobacco smoking sessions are as follows: 1) using room temperature water in the waterpipe jar, 2) adding ice cubes to the water in the waterpipe jar, and 3) using a charcoal-free electronic waterpipe head to heat the tobacco instead of charcoal.

4. Change in urinary 1-HOP from pre to post each of three waterpipe tobacco smoking sessions [Two days for each of the three smoking sessions. Smokers will provide two first morning spot urine samples, one urine sample on the morning of the day of the smoking session, and one urine sample on the morning of the following day.]

The investigators will assess change in urinary levels of 1-HOP in pmol/ml and pmol/mg creatinine, which is the metabolite of pyrene, a genotoxic carcinogen, post each of three waterpipe tobacco smoking sessions. For each of the three smoking sessions, smokers will provide two first morning spot urine samples, the day of the smoking session and the following morning. The three waterpipe tobacco smoking sessions are as follows: 1) using room temperature water in the waterpipe jar, 2) adding ice cubes to the water in the waterpipe jar, and 3) using a charcoal-free electronic waterpipe head to heat the tobacco instead of charcoal.

5. Change in breath Carbon monoxide (CO) levels from pre to post each of three waterpipe tobacco smoking sessions [Assessment will be taken immediately before starting to smoke, and immediately at conclusion of each of the 3 smoking sessions.]

The investigators will determine the differential effects of 3 waterpipe smoking practices on carbon monoxide (CO) exposure. We will measure breath CO using a Micro+ Smokerlyzer® CO monitor for exhaled CO before and after each of the 3 WP smoking sessions as follows: 1) using room temperature water in the WP jar, 2) adding ice cubes to the water in the WP jar, and 3) using a charcoal-free electronic WP head to heat the tobacco.

6. Change in pulmonary functions (PF) from pre to post each of three waterpipe tobacco smoking sessions. [Assessment will be taken immediately before starting to smoke, and immediately at conclusion of each of the 3 smoking sessions.]

The investigators will investigate the differential effects of WP smoking practices on pulmonary function tests and respiratory symptoms by measuring blood oxygen saturation (SO2), and conducting pulmonary functions (PF) testing using a portable spirometer/oximeter to determine the change in forced expiratory volume (FEV1), forced vital capacity (FVC), FEV1/FVC and Forced Expiratory Flow (FEF25-75%) post each of the 3 waterpipe tobacco smoking sessions as follows: 1) using room temperature water in the WP jar, 2) adding ice cubes to the water in the WP jar, and 3) using a charcoal-free electronic WP head to heat the tobacco.

7. Change in Blood pressure, heart rate and respiratory rate from pre to post each of three waterpipe tobacco smoking sessions. [Assessment will be taken immediately before starting to smoke, and immediately at conclusion of each of the 3 smoking sessions.]

The investigators will investigate the differential effects of WP smoking practices on the cardiovascular system by measuring the change in blood pressure in mm/Hg, heart rate in beats/minute, and respiratory rate in number of breaths/minute, after each of the 3 WP smoking sessions as follows: 1) using room temperature water in the WP jar, 2) adding ice cubes to the water in the WP jar, and 3) using a charcoal-free electronic WP head to heat the tobacco.

Sekundära resultatåtgärder

1. Change in urinary Furan-BDA-NAL from pre to post each of three waterpipe tobacco smoking sessions [Two days for each of the three smoking sessions. Smokers will provide two first morning spot urine samples, one urine sample on the morning of the day of the smoking session, and one urine sample on the morning of the following day]

The investigators will assess change in urinary levels of Furan-BDA-NAL in pmol/ml and pmol/mg creatinine, which is the metabolite of furan, a liver toxicant and carcinogen, post the first waterpipe tobacco smoking session. Furan-BDA-NAL will be assessed in the provide two first morning spot urine samples, the day of the first smoking session and the day following the first smoking session.

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